Temp Plate Catch 22

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Temp Plate Catch 22 - Need Opinion

I was just wondering if anyone knew of a good way around, a proper method of getting a temporary plate other than through the SAAQ Office.

I first purchased a vehicle in Oct / 06, and after being told the whole "vehicle inspection" story, I asked, and was granted, to be given a 24h temp. permit to take the vehicle to the inspection.

3 months later... I am in a Catch 22.

Government won't give me a temp plate anymore because vehicle isn't inspected.
I can't get the vehicle inspected, because I don't have a temp plate.

Why is it the government always comes up with these good old Catch 22 Rules.

I am just curious on people's opinions on the situation.

Is there a good work around from the situation??
Or do I just tow it (Personally... not Flat Bed, Who cares about the "4 wheels off".. let them pull the tow truck over, lol).
just tow it.. rent one of those things that connect to the 2 front wheels is like 40$ a day.
Flatbed it....whats the problem? It's not like you have no options. What I don't understand is why you didn't bring the car to inspection with the first temp plate?
Why? I tow my race car with a Dolly!?

Just because you do something doesn't mean its right. Everyone drives 120km/hr on a 100km/hr highway but if you got a ticket for doing 120km/hr would you really argue w/ the judge that since you always do it and everyone else does it that you aren't guilty?
Just because you do something doesn't mean its right. Everyone drives 120km/hr on a 100km/hr highway but if you got a ticket for doing 120km/hr would you really argue w/ the judge that since you always do it and everyone else does it that you aren't guilty?
First, I didn't say it was legal because I do it!! I asked WHY because I do it!! If it is really illegal I want to know!
My dad is a cop(now retired) and never said it was illegal, it's his truck. Never saw any article in the law against that!

A lot of race car owner tow their race cars with dollies and I never heard of one getting a ticket.
It's fairly simple... if the car isn't registered it might not be road-safe, and when you use a dolly, the rear suspension, rims etc of the car are in use...
It's fairly simple... if the car isn't registered it might not be road-safe, and when you use a dolly, the rear suspension, rims etc of the car are in use...

How do you explain tow trucks that tow cars by only lifting 2 wheels?? My unregistered 280ZX was towed like that and when I had a front end collision with my Sunbird too! You don't make any sense! :dunno:
I need a quote from a law! I don't see it in the law(I have a lot of ressources), then it's legal!
I drove 2 weeks without any valid driving license and plate

why? cuz my Birthday is 21/12 and I work everyday + christmas = close

so I paid today

result? I wasn't arrestedcuz I drove all the speed limits
dude, just go wherever they sell used cars, they have transits it costs 6 bucks for 10 days. I drove my car like that for almost 6 months back then because i didnt have enough money for plates.

you jsut have to put the little yellow paper in the window!

39.1. Nul ne peut remettre en circulation un véhicule routier à l'égard duquel une décision de la Société rendue en vertu de l'un des articles 188, 194 et 196 à 202 est en vigueur. Il en est de même lorsque la Société agit en vertu de l'article 189.

Le trainer sur un dolley est considéré etre en circulation étant donné qu'il touche la chaussée

39.1. Nul ne peut remettre en circulation un véhicule routier à l'égard duquel une décision de la Société rendue en vertu de l'un des articles 188, 194 et 196 à 202 est en vigueur. Il en est de même lorsque la Société agit en vertu de l'article 189.

Le trainer sur un dolley est considéré etre en circulation étant donné qu'il touche la chaussée
C'est ton interprétation ça? Un véhicule en circulation est un véhicule conduit par une personne!!

Le seul règlement qui existe c'est:

Remorquage interdit.

437. Nul ne peut tirer à l'aide d'un véhicule routier un autre véhicule routier dont les roues demeurent au sol, à moins que celui-ci ne soit solidement retenu au moyen d'une barre.

Donc du moment que tu as un tow-bar, t'es correct! C'est ce qui est utilisé depuis des années par la plupart des courseurs "low-budget".
C'est ton interprétation ça? Un véhicule en circulation est un véhicule conduit par une personne!!

Le seul règlement qui existe c'est:

Donc du moment que tu as un tow-bar, t'es correct! C'est ce qui est utilisé depuis des années par la plupart des courseurs "low-budget".

met un char qui n'est pas plaqué sur la voie publique, dans un parking avec de largent dans le parcometre, demande a une police de verifier la plaque et part le timer pour savoir combien de temps ca prend avant qu'un flatbed vienne le chercher et l'amene a la fourriere
met un char qui n'est pas plaqué sur la voie publique, dans un parking avec de largent dans le parcometre, demande a une police de verifier la plaque et part le timer pour savoir combien de temps ca prend avant qu'un flatbed vienne le chercher et l'amene a la fourriere
Aucun rapport! Tu vas avoir un ticket! Qui coûte environ 600$ d'ailleurs. C'est comme quand t'oublies de payer tes plaques et tu te fais coller. Pis en plus, le towing pourrait ne pas être un flatbed! Ou encore qu'il ramasse deux chars en même temps. Même CAA envoie des trucks(pick-up) avec juste un boom qui soulève deux roues d'en avant!
Ça fait pas de sens votre affaire!

Thread was never about the towing, it was a rant about the temp plate crap.

I never got a temp plate for the car, but I was told I could, but now it's changed.

Also what is funny, is that some towing companies won't tow the vehicle unless it is plated... Government really needs to clean up its act on some of their stuff. They make rules that go against eachother.
soltution #2 other then finding a yellow transit paper plate, if you got a friend that works any kind of garage, they have X PLATES, just use that!
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