12K of court fees for $200 ticket


New member
Ok so this is pretty crazy... last fall I got a ticket from a cop who didn't like my exhaust, and had already given me a ticket for my exhaust before, and so the second time he also gave me a ticket for my tires which were nearing their life, but still like millimeter above the threshold. I took some pictures of the tires, send them in to contest the ticket and a court date was settled for earlier this week. I've missed the hearing, and just got a new notice that judgement was passed against me by default and on top of the $200 ticket I owe $12,631 in fees. Saying that I am socked would be quite an understatement... does anyone have experience with this type of situation, has a lawyer who's dealt with these kinds of things? This is just beyond ridiculous.
Have you at least tried calling whoever sent you the notice ? It's probably only a typing error.....
Have you at least tried calling whoever sent you the notice ? It's probably only a typing error.....

That's some typing error! I just read the notice now, trying to get my head around it and want to get some advice before calling and giving any explanation for missing the court date, so not to say anything that I shouldn't...
good luck and keep us posted.

if you still wish to fight this ticket, have a good reason for not attending court last time and think that you can win in court with the defense you got, you can try to do a "Rétractation de Jugement" and a "Sursis d'exécution" to get a new trial date. It costs about $25 for the request.
tres possible une typo, il m'est arriver la meme chose mais avec un colis pour la poste le dédouannage demandais 250$ pour un article d'une valeur de 20$..sa arrive ! Appelle lundi sans faute !!
ya dequoi faire le saut quand tu recois sa!
good luck and keep us posted.

if you still wish to fight this ticket, have a good reason for not attending court last time and think that you can win in court with the defense you got, you can try to do a "Rétractation de Jugement" and a "Sursis d'exécution" to get a new trial date. It costs about $25 for the request.

Thanks for the sound advice, I will consider this!

conseil fais toi des doubles de toute ta paperasse et preuve de paiment
c est pas garanti que dans l'ordinateur le changement va etre effectue correctement
si c'est le cas ton paiment complet au montant corrige peut etre vu comme un depot sur un dette beaucoup plus grosse
ensuite tu as les menaces du gouvernement pour collecter l'argent de son erreur
Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait poursuivre le gvt / organisme responsable pour une erreur comme ca? - Legit question.

Si tu as subi des vrais préjudices comme une saisie de ta maison parce que le département du recouvrement ne communique pas avec celui de la facturation, oui. Si tu as fait le saut à cause d'une erreur de facturation facilement corrigée avec un coup de téléphone, non.
conseil fais toi des doubles de toute ta paperasse et preuve de paiment
c est pas garanti que dans l'ordinateur le changement va etre effectue correctement
si c'est le cas ton paiment complet au montant corrige peut etre vu comme un depot sur un dette beaucoup plus grosse
ensuite tu as les menaces du gouvernement pour collecter l'argent de son erreur

Verry good point, because after two weeks I had not received any re-assessment and had to call back earlier this week again to have them look into it, the fees have been revised and are a $120.