Feature Article: Sloppy driving has become a way of life


Staff member

Il est possible que vous lisiez cet article et que vous découvriez cette situation pour la première fois. Il est aussi possible que vous soyez, comme plusieurs autres, frustrés et souhaitiez ardemment que des actions soient prises pour résoudre ce problème. Et de quel problème parlons-nous? De la saga sans fin des conducteurs qui n’obéissent pas aux règles simples de la conduite routière.

Les exemples d’une conduite erratique sont les plus évidents, et aussi les plus frustrants, sur les autoroutes. Le plus navrant dans de tels cas provient du fait que la plupart des gens sont tout simplement totalement ignorants derrière le volant d’une voiture. Il serait logique de dire que nous assistons au résultat d’une génération entière de baby-boomers ayant obtenu leur permis de conduire à la suite d’un simple test écrit, demandant entre autres la simple signification d’une lumière rouge. Par contre, je sais aussi que plusieurs jeunes conducteurs conduisent eux aussi de façon erratique, ce qui me porte à croire que le problème touche définitivement tous les groupes d’âge.

Quelles mesures peuvent être prises pour enrayer ces mauvaises habitudes de conduite? Très peu mis à part que de renvoyer tous les détenteurs d’un permis de conduire à leurs livres ainsi que d’inciter les forces policières à être plus vigilants et à remettre des constats d’infraction même lors d’infractions mineures. À titre d’exemple, les Européens accordent beaucoup plus d’importance à la conduite que les Nord-Américains. Il y est plus difficile d’obtenir un permis de conduire et à juste titre. Conduire représente un grand lot de responsabilités et à moins qu’une personne ne puisse démontrer une grande compréhension de la façon de conduire une véhicule avec confiance et de façon sécuritaire, il ne devrait pas s’y retrouver derrière le volant. Voici une liste des exemples de conduite erratique auxquels nous pouvons être témoins quotidiennement sur nos routes.

Conduite dans la voie de dépassement.

L’exemple possiblement le plus irritant de conduite erratique est lorsqu’un conducteur circule dans la voie de gauche (voie de dépassement) et que sa vitesse est égale ou inférieure à celle des véhicules de la voie du centre. Sur des autoroutes à trois voies, les nouveaux conducteurs apprennent que la voie de droite est utilisée pour la circulation lente, celle du centre pour la circulation normale et que la voie de gauche est réservée pour les dépassements. En Europe, les conducteurs apprennent à utiliser la voie d’extrême droite, ce qui représente une façon plus efficace de gérer la circulation. Si les Européens doivent dépasser, ils utilisent alors la voie du centre et seulement si cette voie s’avère pleine, ils utilisent alors la voie de gauche. En tout temps, le conducteur doit être à l’affût d’une opportunité afin de changer de voie vers la droite pour ainsi éviter de ralentir la circulation plus rapide.

En Amérique du Nord, ce type de conduite est inexistant. Plusieurs conducteurs n’utilisent la voie de gauche que pour y demeurer. La circulation plus rapide est alors ralentie par un seul véhicule, ce qui mène parfois à une conduite à haute vitesse pare-chocs à pare-chocs (action illégale et très dangereuse), à des avis par clignotement des phares (illégal), à des dépassements par la droite (action tout aussi illégale) qui peuvent à l’occasion être accompagnés de gestes obscènes (gestes eux aussi illégaux). La situation est rendue à un point tel qu’il arrive fréquemment de noter, sur une autoroute à trois voies, un engorgement des voies du centre et de gauche alors que la voie de droite semble déserte. Le plus triste lors de telles situations est que le conducteur fautif n’a souvent aucune connaissance des inconvénients et du danger causés par sa conduite et qu’il se plaindra fort probablement de la conduite dangereuse des conducteurs empruntant les autoroutes.

La non-utilisation des signaux clignotants.

Il n’y a pas de meilleure façon de dire “Je suis un conducteur arrogant” qu’en omettant d’utiliser ses clignotants lors de changements de voie. En plus d’annoncer son arrogance, la pratique est aussi dangereuse qu’illégale. Les signaux clignotants doivent être utilisés dans tous les cas sans exceptions même si vous semblez être le seul véhicule aux alentours. Les conducteurs ont tendance à oublier les piétons, les cyclistes ainsi que les autres sources de circulation qui partagent la route. Ne pas signaler ses intentions pourrait avoir des conséquences graves pour un cycliste qui ne pourrait prévoir une manœuvre de la part du conducteur lors d’un passage à une intersection. Ce cycliste apprendrait alors de lui-même un exemple d’une conduite erratique.

Rampes d’accès & Cédez.

Ce cas se veut plus sérieux que les précédents et se retrouve plutôt sous la catégorie de l’incompétence que sous la catégorie de la conduite erratique. Un conducteur qui est incapable de se mêler à la circulation représente un risque important pour tous les conducteurs qui l’entourent. Combien de fois avez-vous été derrière un véhicule tentant de joindre la circulation sur une autoroute lorsque, pris de panique, ce conducteur a appliqué les freins, vous forçant à faire de même? Il peut en résulter d’une situation où les deux véhicules doivent alors joindre la circulation d’un point d’arrêt alors que les autres véhicules circulent à une vitesse souvent supérieure à 100 km/h. Combien de fois avez-vous dû attendre derrière un véhicule tentant de joindre la circulation alors qu’ils ont devant eux leur propre voie libre et qu’ils ne sont pas attentifs à l’environnement qui les entoure?

Se fondre à la circulation n’est pas une manœuvre difficile en soi. Tout ce dont vous avez besoin n’est en fait que d’un peu de pratique et de confiance en vos habiletés de conducteur. Le point le plus important à se rappeler est d’accélérer à la vitesse de la circulation afin de vous fondre à celle-ci. Si vous circulez à une vitesse trop basse, votre marge de manœuvre est alors réduite. De plus, vous forcerez les véhicules derrière vous à ralentir afin d’éviter qu’ils ne soient trop près de vous lorsque vous atteindrez l’autoroute.

Si vous circulez à une vitesse décente (toujours en utilisant votre signal clignotant), tout cedont vous devez vous rappeler est de jeter un coup d’œil derrière votre épaule gauche afin de déterminer l’emplacement des véhicules qui s’approchent de vous. Vous pourrez alors évaluer rapidement la vitesse des véhicules ainsi que les intentions des conducteurs déjà sur l’autoroute afin de vous diriger entre eux. Vous ne le savez peut-être pas, mais les autres conducteurs connaissent vos intentions lorsque vous vous engagez sur une bretelle d’accès d’une autoroute et ceux-ci vous laisseront y accéder si vous conservez une bonne vitesse. Ce que vous devez éviter de faire à tout coup est de vous pencher vers votre volant afin de tenter de voir le flot de circulation grâce à votre rétroviseur côté conducteur. Ajuster ces derniers afin de couvrir vos angles morts plutôt que pour couvrir le côté de votre véhicule se révèle une façon beaucoup plus efficace d’utiliser ces accessoires.

Obéir aux lignes routières.

Ces lignes sont présentes pour des raisons précises. Il semble que plusieurs conducteurs l’ignorent ou n’en ont cure. Ils traversent alors des lignes doubles lors de passages dans des tunnels ou immobilisent leur véhicule avec plus de la moitié de celui-ci dépassant les lignes d’arrêt aux intersections, gênant alors la circulation des piétons. Faites un effort afin de respecter cette signalisation.

Si des efforts soutenus de la part des forces policières afin de remettre des constats d’infraction pour ces infractions dites mineures étaient en place, des améliorations évidentes seraient alors observées en ce qui concerne la circulation sur le réseau routier. D’ici là, nous devons nous faire un devoir de conduire de façon courtoise et respectueuse. Il en va de notre intérêt à tous et à toutes.


It’s possible you may be reading this article and discovering this issue for the first time. It’s also entirely possible that you are as frustrated as many people are and pray that something can be done about it. What problem are we talking about? The never ending saga of people who don’t obey the simple rules of the road.

Sloppy driving is most evident and most annoying on the highways. The worst part about it is that a majority of people are utterly clueless when they get behind the wheel of an automobile. It would be logical to assume that we are witnessing the result of a generation of baby boomers who were able to obtain driver’s licenses after passing a simple written test that contained questions such as what the meaning of a red traffic light is. On the other hand, I know many young people who drive equally as sloppy so this is definitely a problem that touches all age groups.

What can be done about sloppy driving? Not a heck of a lot apart from sending every citizen with a driver’s license back to school and having police be much more vigilant in handing out tickets for the smaller infractions. Europeans take driving much more seriously than North Americans. It’s much more difficult to obtain a driving permit over there and rightly so. Driving a car is a big responsibility and unless a person can demonstrate a real understanding of how to operate a vehicle safely and with confidence, they should not be behind the wheel. Here is a list of some sloppy driving habits that you can witness every single on the road.

Driving in the passing lane. Probably the most irritating form of sloppy driving is a person who drives in the left (passing) lane on the highway and who’s speed is less than or equal to vehicles in the center lane. On three lane highways, new drivers are taught in school that the right lane is for slow moving traffic, the center lane is for normal circulation and the left lane is for passing. In Europe, drivers are taught to use the right-most available lane for circulation which is a more efficient way of traffic circulation. If Europeans need to pass, they use the center lane and if the center lane is full, only then would they use the left lane. At all times, the driver should be looking for an opportunity to switch lanes to the right in an effort not to hold up faster moving traffic.

In North America, such discipline is non existent. Many drivers find the earliest opportunity to shift to the left lane and stay there. Faster traffic is then held up behind a single slow moving vehicle which leads to tailgating (highly illegal and dangerous), high-beaming (illegal) or passing on the right (also illegal) and might be accompanied by an obscene gesture (illegal). It has become so bad that sometimes, the left and center lanes will be jammed with cars and the right lane completely void of traffic. The worst part about it is that the driver who was blocking the passing lane is unaware of the trouble and danger they cause and will probably complain to a friend later on that day about how crazy people drive on the autoroutes.

Not using your turn signal. Nothing says “I’m an arrogant driver” then not signaling your intention to turn or change lanes. In addition to the portrayal of arrogance, the practice is also dangerous and illegal. A turn signal needs to be used without fail at all times without exception even if you are the only car in the vicinity. Drivers often forget that pedestrians, cyclists and other non vehicular traffic also share the road. Not signaling your intention could have dire consequences for a cyclist who assumed you were not turning because you didn’t signal and proceeded to cross into the intersection only to find out too late that you were just a sloppy driver.

Merging & yielding. This one might be a bit more serious than the previous two and falls under the category of incompetent, rather than sloppy driving. A driver who is incapable of merging into traffic poses a huge risk to everyone around them. How many times have you been behind a vehicle attempting to merge onto the highway when suddenly they panic and hit the brake, causing you to do the same. The two of you could then be stuck in a position where you must join traffic traveling 100km/h while accelerating from a crawl. How many times have you had to wait behind a vehicle attempting to merge when a merge isn’t even necessary because they have their own lane available and are not aware of their surroundings?

Merging is not that difficult. All it takes is a little practice and some confidence in your driving ability to be able to merge with little effort. The most important thing you need to remember to do is accelerate to the speed of the traffic you are attempting to merge into. If you are going too slow, your window of opportunity is much smaller. In addition you will force vehicles to your rear to slow down to avert rear-ending you once you get on.

If you are traveling the correct speed (with your turn signal on of course), all that is required is a single quick glance over your left shoulder to check the position of the vehicles that are approaching. You should be able to determine quite quickly the speed and intention of the vehicles on the highway and place your car between them. You may not think so but other drivers are aware of your intention to merge and will let you in, provided you are going the correct speed. What you shouldn’t be doing under any circumstance is hunching your entire body forward over the steering wheel in an attempt to try and look through your side mirror. Adjusting your side mirrors outwards to cover your blind spots instead of the side of your vehicle is a much more efficient use of them.

Obey markings on the road. There are lines painted on the road for a reason. Often it seems like drivers are either oblivious or just don’t care. They shoot across double solid lines in tunnels or come to a stop with half their vehicle in front of the stop line at an intersection blocking pedestrian traffic. Make an effort to obey these markings.

If there was a real push by police to ticket drivers for some of these smaller infractions, we might see a dramatic improvement in traffic flow on the roads. Until that happens, we can all do our best to drive respectfully and courteously. It’s in all of our best interests.

Very good article *tu*

Your damn right about the people that don't use flashers, thats annoying and pretty dangerous.
Very nice article. I often think along the same lines, but unfortunately not everyone does :(
Nicely said, however I have one small comment to make, it has to do with merging and yielding. It is a common misbelief among drivers in Quebec that yielding to cars wishing to merge into their lane will slow them down.

I find there is a lack of courtesy on the roads, and it is a big factor into why some people find it hard to merge into oncoming traffic.

I agree that some people need a "bit" more space in front and behind, to feel comfortable enough to merge. That aside, I don't even want to think about the countless times I have been "denied" access to a lane by a driver who thinks nobody else but them deserve to be on that road. Not to discriminate, but in 80% of those cases it's female drivers. The rest are just morons! These people will go to any length to not let you get in front of them, even if this means to smash the bumper of the car in front (true story).

Just this afternoon I almost witnessed an accident because some fellow in an SUV did not to yield the way to another driver who was trying to change lanes because his was blocked off and traffic diverted.

Having driven in the States, and elsewhere in Canada, I can say that it only happens here. State you intention to change lanes (flashers :) ) somewhere in the states, I guarantee you the car behind you will not gun it just to not have you get in front of them.
Nicely said, however I have one small comment to make, it has to do with merging and yielding. It is a common misbelief among drivers in Quebec that yielding to cars wishing to merge into their lane will slow them down.

I find there is a lack of courtesy on the roads, and it is a big factor into why some people find it hard to merge into oncoming traffic.

I agree that some people need a "bit" more space in front and behind, to feel comfortable enough to merge. That aside, I don't even want to think about the countless times I have been "denied" access to a lane by a driver who thinks nobody else but them deserve to be on that road. Not to discriminate, but in 80% of those cases it's female drivers. The rest are just morons! These people will go to any length to not let you get in front of them, even if this means to smash the bumper of the car in front (true story).

Just this afternoon I almost witnessed an accident because some fellow in an SUV did not to yield the way to another driver who was trying to change lanes because his was blocked off and traffic diverted.

Having driven in the States, and elsewhere in Canada, I can say that it only happens here. State you intention to change lanes (flashers :) ) somewhere in the states, I guarantee you the car behind you will not gun it just to not have you get in front of them.

discriminate away, it's a well known fact, women can't drive for shit.
i tend to drive in a more agressive " everyone sucks but me", and selfish manner, but i can't help it.... most people are retarded and suck at driving, so screw the courtesy... i must say that i am, however ourteous to other better drivers, i am always aware of quicker moving vehicles and as long as they won't impede me, i will gladly let them pass
aggressive driving does not make you a better driver than all of the other "retarded people that suck at driving". You're actually contributing to the general bad driver population since you're being a nuisance to other drivers by cutting them off and being "aggressive". No offense man, but the public road system is not your private race track, you need to be aware that there are other drivers on the road and respect them.
Having driven in the States, and elsewhere in Canada, I can say that it only happens here. State you intention to change lanes (flashers :) ) somewhere in the states, I guarantee you the car behind you will not gun it just to not have you get in front of them.

reaaaallly depends where you go in the states....
How many times have you had to wait behind a vehicle attempting to merge when a merge isn’t even necessary because they have their own lane available and are not aware of their surroundings?

This has to be my biggest pet peeve when it comes to driving. Makes me wish i had rubber bumpers.
Great article, having driven in Germany I can say that I really miss the driving ethiquette and discipline you find overthere. People are too stressed and pressed for time over here when they drive.
Objective and well written article. I agree with all your points 100%, especially those people who stay in the left lane without passing.....drives me crazy!
I for one do not condone the expansion of an ever growing police state in North America. While this article was well written and well said, I definitely don't think police should be given more power to hand out infractions and essentially steal our hard earned money. There is something to be said about a system that keeps people in virtual ignorance when it comes to driving techniques; with the intention of having people commit infractions with the goal of harvesting money from an already over-taxed population (Specifically speaking about Quebec). We as a population shouldn't focus on the symptoms, ie: sloppy driving, but rather focus on the core or root of the problem, which is simply education. Hiring more police or giving them more power will only serve to provide additional avenues for the financial exploitation of the sheeple. The simple fact that many police officers flagrantly abuse their power should be apparent even to people suffering from mental deficiencies. They serve and protect the interests of our corrupt governments and not of the little guy (You and I)

This is a simple case referred to as "Problem-Reaction-Solution" and applies to this sort of predicament.
The Problem: Created by the people in power... It is they who are responsible for the general lack of proper education with regards to driving techniques, which leads to incompetent drivers on our roads.
The Reaction: The people demand that something be done about this. People obviously don't learn from history. A record amount of traffic tickets issued in 2006 for the city of Montreal. (I forget the exact numbers) What has changed with regards to incompetent driving? Nothing. I find myself personally yelling at idiots on a regular basis because they don't signal while changing lanes almost clipping my bumper; to name one example.
The solution: Which is already pre-determined. MORE TICKETS CAUSE HEY WE GOTTA KEEP THESE PEOPLE IN CHECK. No No, it's not about keeping our disgusting slave based economy going. It's not about further advancing the war on the middle class, and further funding useless institutions such as the separation movement and language police to name two of the most appalling. Hey maybe if we wake up we wouldn't be so easily manipulated into dragging our own faces through the mud.

I do agree with the fact that many Quebec drivers are sloppy (To put it lightly)
and I believe that the solution lies in making it extremely difficult to obtain a driver's license. Also, increasing the age for which a driver's license is issued to something like 21. I don't know how many times I see a mentally deficient driver on the road who looks like he's in the 16 year old age range, excessively speeding or doing something incredibly irresponsible putting not only his own life at risk but everyone else's around him as well. We should see more suspensions of licenses rather than more tickets. If you are endangering other people on the road you don't deserve to be on the road.

My two dollars.

driving in the passing lane - the worst is when you pass them on the right and look at them, they look at you like you're an asshole (the more conscious ones will just look ahead and try to ignore you)

turn signal - a classic is when you're at a junction, your car in front's intention SEEMS to be going straight but when the light turns green then he puts his signals on.. great

merging/yielding - I saw a lady get her nice bmw sideswiped because she couldn't decide which lane to stay in. My buddy and I were watching this a couple of cars behind and when the truck did that.. the joy on our faces.. lol
i tend to drive in a more agressive " everyone sucks but me", and selfish manner, but i can't help it.... most people are retarded and suck at driving, so screw the courtesy... i must say that i am, however ourteous to other better drivers, i am always aware of quicker moving vehicles and as long as they won't impede me, i will gladly let them pass

Eugh, everytime i see a corolla, or camry or yaris i cringle because this the exact shit i get. "I'm better then you tabernak tabernak tabernak"
I for one do not condone the expansion of an ever growing police state in North America. While this article was well written and well said, I definitely don't think police should be given more power to hand out infractions and essentially steal our hard earned money. There is something to be said about a system that keeps people in virtual ignorance when it comes to driving techniques; with the intention of having people commit infractions with the goal of harvesting money from an already over-taxed population (Specifically speaking about Quebec). We as a population shouldn't focus on the symptoms, ie: sloppy driving, but rather focus on the core or root of the problem, which is simply education. Hiring more police or giving them more power will only serve to provide additional avenues for the financial exploitation of the sheeple. The simple fact that many police officers flagrantly abuse their power should be apparent even to people suffering from mental deficiencies. They serve and protect the interests of our corrupt governments and not of the little guy (You and I)

This is a simple case referred to as "Problem-Reaction-Solution" and applies to this sort of predicament.
The Problem: Created by the people in power... It is they who are responsible for the general lack of proper education with regards to driving techniques, which leads to incompetent drivers on our roads.
The Reaction: The people demand that something be done about this. People obviously don't learn from history. A record amount of traffic tickets issued in 2006 for the city of Montreal. (I forget the exact numbers) What has changed with regards to incompetent driving? Nothing. I find myself personally yelling at idiots on a regular basis because they don't signal while changing lanes almost clipping my bumper; to name one example.
The solution: Which is already pre-determined. MORE TICKETS CAUSE HEY WE GOTTA KEEP THESE PEOPLE IN CHECK. No No, it's not about keeping our disgusting slave based economy going. It's not about further advancing the war on the middle class, and further funding useless institutions such as the separation movement and language police to name two of the most appalling. Hey maybe if we wake up we wouldn't be so easily manipulated into dragging our own faces through the mud.

I do agree with the fact that many Quebec drivers are sloppy (To put it lightly)
and I believe that the solution lies in making it extremely difficult to obtain a driver's license. Also, increasing the age for which a driver's license is issued to something like 21. I don't know how many times I see a mentally deficient driver on the road who looks like he's in the 16 year old age range, excessively speeding or doing something incredibly irresponsible putting not only his own life at risk but everyone else's around him as well. We should see more suspensions of licenses rather than more tickets. If you are endangering other people on the road you don't deserve to be on the road.

My two dollars.


Agreed, and the same goes for ontario and its immigrant fresh off the boat drivers.
ce que je remarque le plus souvent, c'est les attarders qui sont incapable de depasser adequatement....c'est a dire,

depasser dans la voie de gauche, avoir une bonne distance avant de revenir dans la voie de droite, comme ca....vous envoyez pas toute les petites roches et le sable et le sel a la voiture que vous venez de depasser en revedant dans la voie de droite trop proche.