Top 5 Things You Hate About The Local Drivers.

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Protégé Tuner

Well-known member
I was gunna say "Montreal Drivers" but thats a little awkward, so I generalized it a bit for those who live here and those who don't

1. Left lane huggers that go 100 Km/h on the highway: ..That don't even bother to move out of the way when clearly you're riding them which force you to overtake them in the middle lane.

2. Drivers that slam on the brakes for no reason: constant braking where there is no traffic whatsoever.

3. People that take 4 years to switch lanes: They signal, wait literally 5 seconds and then finally begin to merge to the other lane but the maneuver itself takes another 5 seconds to be completed. This is done when there is room for them to merge the whole time!

4. No flasher whores: Merging dangerously without flashers. "Flashers what flashers?!"

5. Women Drivers: The roads most dangerous adversaries (Which usually covers all the above descriptions including not looking behind htem while backing up from their driveway.
people in quebec are the worst drivers in dont be suprised.were not about to lose this "poor" record.........:run:
drivers that have no regards for pedestrians

i almost got run over crossing the street by a sweet innocent looking old lady.
In montreal, you can be the nicest person ever, but when most people get behind the wheel they become the biggest dip shits ever.
People who follow too close and who brake way too late on the street. *cough cough*
People that cut everyone off at the last second to make their on ramp to an other highway. Hey douche bag you force everyone to break so we don't crash into your sorry ass. Your the exact reasons why there's ****ing traffic.
My FB status yesterday was "I hate week-end drivers."

I don't know what else to call them, cause I only experience them on the week-end. The type that doesn't drive all week, or old people who don't drive often, and on the week-end, they decide to stay on the left lane, going slower than everyone else. When I ride up their asses, they either don't know I'm there, or BREAK, to piss me off even more.

What happens is I either give them a few words of wisdom as I pass them, or if they have the nerve to high-beam me when I do get in front, I break almost to a near-stop in front of them also.

Yes, I'm causing traffic myself, but most people who were following behind me before that are actually happy that I make the person learn their lesson, and gtfo of the left lane.

Sorry, this just really irritates me, especially when it's an old bat riding with his dried-up wife, thinking they're all Clint Eastwood by showing this "young driver" to not ride up his ass. Sorry buddy, I just dragon lady'ed your ass.
I was gunna say "Montreal Drivers" but thats a little awkward, so I generalized it a bit for those who live here and those who don't

1. Left lane huggers that go 100 Km/h on the highway: ..That don't even bother to move out of the way when clearly you're riding them which force you to overtake them in the middle lane.

2. Drivers that slam on the brakes for no reason: constant braking where there is no traffic whatsoever.

3. People that take 4 years to switch lanes: They signal, wait literally 5 seconds and then finally begin to merge to the other lane but the maneuver itself takes another 5 seconds to be completed. This is done when there is room for them to merge the whole time!

4. No flasher whores: Merging dangerously without flashers. "Flashers what flashers?!"

5. Women Drivers: The roads most dangerous adversaries (Which usually covers all the above descriptions including not looking behind htem while backing up from their driveway.

Yes I have nothing to add here. Everything else, I can manage. But those 5 behavior are pissing me off. Well, no3 isn't pissing me off.
J'ai vu la mort ce matin ! de Ste-Julie jusqu'au tunel Lous-H. 1heure40min! , en sortant du tunel comme d'habitude ,sa débloque, le ''Flow'' de véhicule roule 70-80 km/h dans la voie du centre, et 95-110km/h dans la voie de gauche.

En sortant du tunnel, j'accélere, jusqu'a 110km/h(sur la 25), et une espèce d'imbécile de conasse '' CommunAuto ''(Yaris sedan) Décide de dépasser , en me COUPANT litéralement, j'ai du changé de voie pour allé à droite, le Ford Explorer derrière mois perd carrément le contrôle en essaillant d'eviter l'autre criss de sans tête de pute de merde. et elle, pénard, reste à gauche à 50 - 55 km/h, sans se douter qu'elle viens de passer à deux cheveux de causer la fin du monde .

Les estis de pauvre qui habite au centre ville, qui on pas, et ne devrait pas avoir de char, qui en loue en mettant ma vie en danger, sa me met en tabarnack.

/end rant
I was gunna say "Montreal Drivers" but thats a little awkward, so I generalized it a bit for those who live here and those who don't

1. Left lane huggers that go 100 Km/h on the highway: ..That don't even bother to move out of the way when clearly you're riding them which force you to overtake them in the middle lane.

2. Drivers that slam on the brakes for no reason: constant braking where there is no traffic whatsoever.

3. People that take 4 years to switch lanes: They signal, wait literally 5 seconds and then finally begin to merge to the other lane but the maneuver itself takes another 5 seconds to be completed. This is done when there is room for them to merge the whole time!

4. No flasher whores: Merging dangerously without flashers. "Flashers what flashers?!"

5. Women Drivers: The roads most dangerous adversaries (Which usually covers all the above descriptions including not looking behind htem while backing up from their driveway.

and people that stay in the right lane of the highway at the entrances from service roads - just move in the middle lane
especially when they brake/accelerate so that you don't get in (purposely or not) happened to me so many times, feel like carryin an extra gun to shoot them

people that accelerate to 34896km/h to pass ONLY you or you and ONE CAR ahead of you to then merge in front and slow down to 80km/h or take the exit

people that stop ALMOST completely when merging onto a highway to check around
people that continue rolling at 50km/h in the merging-into-the-highway road which then is not enough for them to merge into the traffic which creates major embouchemments
those are made to ****ing speed up and not cause the people on the highway to slow down - use your ****ing pedal on the right
Protégé Tuner;6492382 2. [B said:
Drivers that slam on the brakes for no reason[/B]: constant braking where there is no traffic whatsoever.

I hate when people do this!!!
You have a good distance behind someone and they have no one in front of them, then all of a sudden they brake and go from 100 to 70km/h for no damn reason!
Etant un livreur de pizza dans l'ouest de l'ile, je dois dire que les vieux et les femmes sont la pire des race... c juste pas croyable, a chaque fois que je dois eviter un maneuvre idiotique de quelqu'un, c'est une petasse ou un abricot sec qui se trouve au volant.

Les vieux s'arrete n'importe ou n'importe quand pcq ils sont perdu ou bien ils savent pas ou ils vont, pis les femme, je sais pas ce qu'ils ont.. ca dois surement etre genetique ou qqchose, pour les femme, conduire c comparable aux homme de cuisiner. De temp en temp il y a quelqu'un de competement, mais la pluspart sont completement nul!!!!
I hate when people do this!!!
You have a good distance behind someone and they have no one in front of them, then all of a sudden they brake and go from 100 to 70km/h for no damn reason!

agree, completely stupid, people that dont want to ride 1km/h faster than the speed limit... so when limit switches to 70, the ****in brake in the left lane!!!! instead of letting the car coast to 70 in the middle one... ****tard!! Arghh
ta jamais conduit en ontario ou suivie un ontarien au québec toi ...

exactement sque jme disais... yé pas sorti de chez eux souvent *blah*

au USA cé GRAVE comment sont mauvais sur l'autoroute... ca roule dans nimporte quelle voie a nimporte quelle vitesse!!! aucune logique dutout!! c'est completement incroyable comment sont mauvais.

tu te feras faire un prix d'assurance auto pour Calgary... c'est 2-3 fois plus cher. pkoi?? pcq la bas ca conduit comme des arièrés mentaux sur le crack... ca se rentre dedant a tous les 5 minutes.

Au Québec, c'est vraiment pas si pire... mais bon, on aime ca chialer pour tout et pour rien sans rien comprendre vraiment du sujet sur lequel on chiale en partant.
exactement sque jme disais... yé pas sorti de chez eux souvent *blah*

au USA cé GRAVE comment sont mauvais sur l'autoroute... ca roule dans nimporte quelle voie a nimporte quelle vitesse!!! aucune logique dutout!! c'est completement incroyable comment sont mauvais.

tu te feras faire un prix d'assurance auto pour Calgary... c'est 2-3 fois plus cher. pkoi?? pcq la bas ca conduit comme des arièrés mentaux sur le crack... ca se rentre dedant a tous les 5 minutes.

Au Québec, c'est vraiment pas si pire... mais bon, on aime ca chialer pour tout et pour rien sans rien comprendre vraiment du sujet sur lequel on chiale en partant.

rep moi rep moi loool ;) enfin qq1 de senser!!!!
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