OFFICIAL 'To the *insert car* on *insert street/highway, *insert message* ' thread

To this professional driver on the 720E yesterday morning!
Swerving between cars, let's be extreme and say ok.
But cutting people it's a no. And never using flasher is a no as well ! And not once..not twice....but every time you changed lanes illegally, which was about 7-8 times if not more. I had time to actually follow you to exit you took and snap a pic of you.
I guess you just bought that ugly car and you might think you are hot. Why didn't you want to show your face and took off dragging style on Rene-Levesque ? You could have smiled to the camera at least? Or chat a bit?

I regularly see that douche around Jean-Talon/Décarie , he has a friend to whom he lent some orange plastidip leftover for his WRX wheels. Both do not know what a signal light is.

They seem to be very good at texting however and driving with girls who cannot see above the dashboard.
To this professional driver on the 720E yesterday morning!
Swerving between cars, let's be extreme and say ok.
But cutting people it's a no. And never using flasher is a no as well ! And not once..not twice....but every time you changed lanes illegally, which was about 7-8 times if not more. I had time to actually follow you to exit you took and snap a pic of you.
I guess you just bought that ugly car and you might think you are hot. Why didn't you want to show your face and took off dragging style on Rene-Levesque ? You could have smiled to the camera at least? Or chat a bit?

I see this retard almost everyday speeding on st louis near du college i guess he lives in the area
OFFICIAL 'To the *insert car* on *insert street/highway, *insert message* ' t...

Saw those e30 on the highway 20 saturday pm, rolling toward Quebec.
Really nice !

À la Saab 9-3 Pearlwhite plein de sticker sur la 640 hier puis ensuite sur la 13, avec qui je me suis amusé not bad ! v6 2.8t ?je boostcutais pas mal + ma clutch glissais en cochon , mais ca avais l'air de bien poussé ta bagnole !
To this professional driver on the 720E yesterday morning!
Swerving between cars, let's be extreme and say ok.
But cutting people it's a no. And never using flasher is a no as well ! And not once..not twice....but every time you changed lanes illegally, which was about 7-8 times if not more. I had time to actually follow you to exit you took and snap a pic of you.
I guess you just bought that ugly car and you might think you are hot. Why didn't you want to show your face and took off dragging style on Rene-Levesque ? You could have smiled to the camera at least? Or chat a bit?

To this guy...I do not know what to tell you. I'd start with saying idiot...and then congratulations.
You were coming from the 40 O and took 15S fast that you went on two or maybe three wheels and yet last minute so close to the wall had the inspiration to steer left (while still on 2 or 3 wheels), even closer to the wall, regain traction ( 4 wheels on the road) and save it !!! I really saw you in the wall !!! You were lucky there was nobody in the left lane.
And no camera on for me. Shame !

All rear lights are burnt BTW !!!

To this guy...I do not know what to tell you. I'd start with saying idiot...and then congratulations.
You were coming from the 40 O and took 15S fast that you went on two or maybe three wheels and yet last minute so close to the wall had the inspiration to steer left (while still on 2 or 3 wheels), even closer to the wall, regain traction ( 4 wheels on the road) and save it !!! I really saw you in the wall !!! You were lucky there was nobody in the left lane.
And no camera on for me. Shame !

All rear lights are burnt BTW !!!

You should report him to Hydro-solution.
This moron with blond long hair ! FU !
Turning , getting on the highway, Switching lanes on the highway and never use your turning signal ! Not even once...when you should have used it at least 5 times !


Quelq'un sais pourquoi lui a des vitres teintees?


To this professional driver on the 720E yesterday morning!
Swerving between cars, let's be extreme and say ok.
But cutting people it's a no. And never using flasher is a no as well ! And not once..not twice....but every time you changed lanes illegally, which was about 7-8 times if not more. I had time to actually follow you to exit you took and snap a pic of you.
I guess you just bought that ugly car and you might think you are hot. Why didn't you want to show your face and took off dragging style on Rene-Levesque ? You could have smiled to the camera at least? Or chat a bit?

i know where he parks, there's an outdoor parking lot and he has a monthly spot there. there's a provigo up the street you can buy XL eggs
Sur la 132 le soir y a juste une voie par direction a Roland-Therrien, donc ca roule pas super vite et y a pas de marge d'erreur mettons...
Pourquoi les camions du chantier se sentent obligés de sortir leeeeeentement entre deux autos qui roulent a 70? Deux fois en l'espace de 45m j'ai du donner un coup de volant pour eviter le museau d'un camion qui a décidé de sortir a 10 pieds de ma face.
Sur la 132 le soir y a juste une voie par direction a Roland-Therrien, donc ca roule pas super vite et y a pas de marge d'erreur mettons...
Pourquoi les camions du chantier se sentent obligés de sortir leeeeeentement entre deux autos qui roulent a 70? Deux fois en l'espace de 45m j'ai du donner un coup de volant pour eviter le museau d'un camion qui a décidé de sortir a 10 pieds de ma face.

Y'a une couple de réponse facile..

1: y sort lentement parce que c'est un camion y peux pas pop le vtec comme toi
2: les gars travaillent et doivent sortir du chantier éventuellement
3: sa devait sûrement pas faire 1 seconde qui attendait pour sortir c'est sur que tu le voyait au loin
(Étant un camionneur moi même si tu t'impose pas à mtl tu peux attendre 2 jour avant de merge in
4: si c'est un chantier tu réduis ta vitesse pour que justement des problèmes comme sa sa arrive pas pis c'est sécuritaire pour tout le monde
5: si t'a fallu que tu donne un coup de steering quelque part tu devais pas être trop trop attentif le soir les trucks on des headlight comme les autos donc si le nez du truck étais si proche que sa j'comprend pas comment tu l'a pas vue avant..

Anyways sans offense je sais que sa fais chier les camions j'fais chier du monde chaque jour en ville mais la courtoisie c'est pour tout le monde comme les cycliste sa me tape sur les nerfs mais j'me tasse quand sont la j'vie avec
Dans cette partie la la vitesse est deja reduite, ca bloque parce que ca tombe a une voie mais tout le monde reprend de la vitesse ensuite. La limite dans cette zone la est a 80, 70 quand tu suis le traffic, c'est quand meme pas si mal.
Le premier camion est sorti entre deux autos, oui. En avant j'avais une vieille Sebring pis j'avais deux longueurs de distance a peu pres, le Sebring est pasé et le camion est sorti a ce moment la. C'est soit j'essaie de freiner pis j'y rentre dedans, soit je l'evite par l'accotement. Il a sorti son museau et s'est arreté parce que lui m'a vu a ce moment la.

Quand le deuxieme camion est sorti, j'etais a gros max 10 pieds de lui et il n'avait rien d'autre que ses phares de jour. Pas de gyrophares ni de lumiere sur le coté. Il les a allumés apres etre sorti alors qu'il aurait du les avoir des le depart. Le coup de volant pour l'eviter c'est pas juste une question d'etre attentif ou non, c'est plus le fait que rien me disait que les camions sortiraient du chantier sans attendre que la circulation soit arretée. Moi hier soir j'ai pas vu un seul signaleur non plus, personne pour dire aux camions "ok tu peux sortir" ou ben "attend encore y'en restent a passer"
To another great driver...
FU moron!
Heavy traffic, cutting everybody , no flasher.
This happened during at least 30 minutes on the 15S...from St-Jerome to Laval today around 4.30 pm.
Going faster and cutting people won't get you faster to destination most of the time. As you could realize I was on the cruise at 118...and still managed to get to Laval at the same time and watch all your accelerations and hard braking closely behind. You switched lanes at least 30 times (no exaggerating) and NEVER used YOUR turning signals. NOT ONCE !

License : H12 HPY
And more...
THis left lane hugger...and flasher ? What is that?

Et la madame...qui conduit des etuidants...danger public.
meme chose? clignotant? C'est quoi ca?
