Article: LE THREAD ti-Coune (photo AND -OG- INCLUDED)

Can I be in this morning ?
Lol is that actually what this sticker was designed for ? Or am I an idiot for asking that question ?
Yes it is actually. It literally means "I'm new and suck at driving" and/or "I'm old watch out"

"The shoshinsha mark (初心者マーク ?) or Wakaba mark (若葉マーク ?), introduced in 1972, is a green and yellow V-shaped symbol that new Japanese drivers must display on their cars for one year. A driver must display this mark on the front and back of the car for one year after they obtain a standard driver's license."
Yes it is actually. It literally means "I'm new and suck at driving" and/or "I'm old watch out"

"The shoshinsha mark (初心者マーク ?) or Wakaba mark (若葉マーク ?), introduced in 1972, is a green and yellow V-shaped symbol that new Japanese drivers must display on their cars for one year. A driver must display this mark on the front and back of the car for one year after they obtain a standard driver's license."

Wow cool, mad people legit believe the complete opposite tho I'm assuming
Sur la 327 un Acura EL des année début 2000 me suivait. L'auto était droppé et sautait comme une grenouille sur chaque imperfection sur la route. Ça cognait sur les bumps stop c'est sûr. Il me dépasse comme un ti-coune. Plus loin, il pogne une grosse bosse et je te ment pas, le cul a lever dans les airs! Les roues arrière touchait plus à terre! Pas safe pentoute ça carosse!

De plus, ça blonde de 20 ans si elle continue à rouler dans ca char là va avoir des totons de grand-mère dans pas long! LOL Ça va ressembler à 2 orange dans un sac de IGA! LOL