The "Best Buy A Wife" Site On The Net ?

wtf lol!!! Les description sur leur hobby " J'aime faire le menage de la maison et faire de bon repas" !!! Faut tu être fucking looser pour "acheter" une femme
wtf lol!!! Les description sur leur hobby " J'aime faire le menage de la maison et faire de bon repas" !!! Faut tu être fucking looser pour "acheter" une femme

No , I know a guy who is not real good looking,
or good with the ladies

Kind of an introvert

So about two years ago he joined a Philippino site and after a few months he hooked up and married a 22yo girl

Not for eveyone

But I gottah say, She's kind of Hot !

She's about 5'4" and 105lbs and has a real cute face

I think mom Boned a White guy

Because her eyes are round

Remember he's not a Hotty himself lol

She looks kind of like this
I don't see the pricings on the site. I'm curious about the pricing lol

Have you noticed alllllll the names ends with an ''a''
le prix c'est le billet d'avion pour allé la voir le billet d'avion pour toi pi elle... les cours de francais ou anglais pi la faire vivre chez vous jusqu'à sois capable de parlé francais pour se trouvé une job et surement du cash a l'agence de rencontre.. ça serais illégal de vendre des femme au vrai sens du terme
wow, i had heard of dating sites, but to buy a wife, lol.

Well the fact is:

Some people are very good at making money,

But when it comes to meeting women

You Gottah Go To The Store !

And I don't hold nothing against my Buddy either,

Cause a mans gottah do , What a mans Gottah do !

To get a little PooooooTeh

The asian girls are very sub-servient as well
lol. I guess it's a good thing...those women want to get the fuck out of there so they marry a dude here.

I guess they kinda date for a few days when he visits there?

I wonder if they go like "well, if you wanna get gotta go with him or die here" or if they leave then divorce etc...

How's your friend and his wife?
lol. I guess it's a good thing...those women want to get the fuck out of there so they marry a dude here.

I guess they kinda date for a few days when he visits there?

I wonder if they go like "well, if you wanna get gotta go with him or die here" or if they leave then divorce etc...

How's your friend and his wife?

All is Bliss ***

She wanted to Marry a Euro Man that lives in California

And he got the Wife he was to shy to meet for several thousand dollars lol
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Well the fact is:

Some people are very good at making money,

But when it comes to meeting women

You Gottah Go To The Store !

And I don't hold nothing against my Buddy either,

Cause a mans gottah do , What a mans Gottah do !

To get a little PooooooTeh

The asian girls are very sub-servient as well
I wouldn't hold it against a friend either, as long as she's not a bitch, lol.
Love this site... No check out box but im making a wish list.

Here are the best ones imo Order Bride&vmtype=exact&vsite=GL&vpage=K20569&vovraw=mail order bride&vref=1&vreferer= Order Bride&vmtype=exact&vsite=GL&vpage=K20569&vovraw=mail order bride&vref=1&vreferer= Order Bride&vmtype=exact&vsite=GL&vpage=K20569&vovraw=mail order bride&vref=1&vreferer=

honestly, that pretty fucking cool!!! LOL some of them are fucking hot....and think of it if she gets on ur nerves u ship her back.....or murder her!!! LOL no familly to cliam shes missing LMAO