Detroit houses going for as low as 50$


New member

50$ for a house. Group buy for a whole neighborhood? Might be worth some big money in the future if the government decides to buy it back to put farms on it..

What do you guys think?
you still need to pay taxes (and probably insane insurance)

and I guess the price includes all the debt
10 homes for the price of an iPad...

Very sad for a City that was once in the top 5 of the U.S. The problem with Detroit started in the 60's after the riots which drove the "white wealthy middle class" out of Detroit and into surbubia. The rest is history...They were mainly focused in one industry which has been dying since the 70's...

If you plan to head out to NAIAS, take 1/2 day to see the once beautiful buildings in Detroit and the legacy of Henry Ford.
Achètes une maison à 50$ et démolie la pour vendre la scrap. Tu peux pas te tromper.
Habituellement quand ils vendent des maison à ce prix c'est avec une obligation de faire quelque chose avec dans un délai raisonable.
Can we just buy street instead of house ?

50$ for 100m i'll be in to buy a couple km for private race track :p