This is what eco hippies actually believe

I thought sharing meant "free" as in "Here, take this apple that I share with you" not "Give me 10,000$ and I'll share this apple with you"...crazy hippies. Always wanting to make some bucks with free things!
Where is Ronnin,
That's his dream wife.

wtf.... ça du tout prendre au monde dans la salle pour pas s'éclaté de rire.

Air Farm... wtf! Si ça décole sont affaire j'te garantie que je m'arranger pour aller te lâcher des pet en série dans ses "air farm".
there should be a counter that counts how many times she says "Like" in that video.

eco hippies make themselves look like dumbasses every time they open their mouths.
She didn't want a black and white powerpoint presentation so she wrote in black ink on white paper for her presentation..........retard.........
Where is Ronnin,
That's his dream wife.

Unfortunately, I like me some boobs plus she doesn't know what methane is... hence why she wouldn't understand when I share my very special fart "air" in the morning. What a lunatic.
Your joke is only mildly amusing since I already beat you to it in the post right before yours. Give my credit.

Oh snap, Your response started with the reply to the comment and was about lack of boobs. I moved on at that point. Rep for beating me too it and me completely missing it.