Toll roads and higher taxes on gas incoming


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MONTREAL — Montreal Mayor Gerald Tremblay said Wednesday new toll booths and higher gas taxes are the only solution to more money for infrastructure in the province.

Tremblay insists municipalities across Canada are dealing with a $120-billion deficit in infrastructure spending, leading to crumbling highways and bridges.

He said he is seeking more money from the provincial and federal governments through tolls and taxes in the Montreal region.

"For Laval, Longueuil, South Shore, North Shore -- and as a result of that we'll have the necessary funds to invest in our infrastructure and public transit," he said.

Tremblay says Montreal and Quebec are at a crossroads and political leaders must make tough, though unpopular, decisions.

Quebec's Transport Minister Sam Hamad said he disagrees with the proposal, because the province is already spending $4 billion annually on infrastructure.

"For the moment, there is no plan for rising taxes," he said Wednesday.

Tolls were common in the Montreal area three decades ago, but fell by the wayside in recent years. The A25 Bridge on Highway 25 is currently is only toll bridge in the Greater Montreal, connecting Laval to Montreal in Riviere des Prairies.

I knew it
Si au moins on avait des autoroutes qui ne passent pas par la ville maudite je m'en fouterais pas mal de ses péages et de ses taxes....

Mais là, si tu veux aller à gatineau de la rive-sud, pas le choix de passer par Montréal....
Tremblay, à l'écouté parler tout le monde est millionnaire à Montréal.

Pu capable..... il fou rien, il est au courant de rien dans ces dossiers et fait semblant toujours que tout va bien quand Montréal est entrain de vivre une de ces pires décennies.

Quel connard.
Nothing wrong with toll roads, every major city in North America has them. They were also present on highway 15, Champlain bridge, etc... until the stupid PQ removed them.

What is retarted is the gas tax.

Bottom line, Tremblay needs to go but toll roads are a good idea.
They simply removed the toll road by adding more tax to every liter you pump into your gas tank. Now, they want to raise the tax even more and re-introduce toll road? Oh and let's not forget that MTLer now pay twice as much for our licence plate thanks to Tremblay.

Fucking clown (not you, but Tremblay)
They simply removed the toll road by adding more tax to every liter you pump into your gas tank. Now, they want to raise the tax even more and re-introduce toll road? Oh and let's not forget that MTLer now pay twice as much for our licence plate thanks to Tremblay.

Fucking clown (not you, but Tremblay)

The problem with Quebec politics is that taxes go into one big black pool and everyone picks from it. The money collected is not being used its intended purpose.

Toll roads make sense and should have never been removed. Every penny collected should go to the roadway maintenance and not other "services or ministers".
je serais pas contre un toll pour lacces au centre ville.

Moi oui, J'y habite. Et comme twon a mentonner, les peages ont été enlever pour reduire le traffic et une taxe sur l'essence a pris leur place.

Si ils aurais effectuer des maintenances reguliere ca nous couterais pas autant, ils ont abuser pendant 10ans+ pourquoi ont dois les demerder encore??

Si je paye pour les maintenance du vehicule de mon fils par example, mais aulieu de faire changer sont huile, il le depense dans des sortie, pense tu vraiment que je vais lui payer un nouveau moteur quand il sauteras?? fuck non!
je serais pas contre un toll pour lacces au centre ville.

Je ne vois pas en quoi introduire un péage pour avoir l'accès au centre-ville va réussir à renflouer les coffres sans fonds du gouvernement Charogne. Tout ce que ça va donner c'est de désengorger le centre-ville, réduire l'achalandage des boutiques et tuer les commerçants. Ce qui va arriver c'est un réseau de péage à la grandeur du réseau routier, le litre d'essence surtaxé, les parc-mètre à 10$ de l'heure, plus de radar-photo, l'immatriculation obligatoire sur les vélos, évaluation municipale à la hausse, augmentation des quotas de ticket!

Bref, un bel avenir en perspective.
Si au moins on avait des autoroutes qui ne passent pas par la ville maudite je m'en fouterais pas mal de ses péages et de ses taxes....

Mais là, si tu veux aller à gatineau de la rive-sud, pas le choix de passer par Montréal....

WTF, tu passes par le 417...
Tolls would be a good idea if we didnt pay so many taxes. Theres no excuse to have tolls