Pedobear on KRQE news

lmao !! This thing is all about jokes, I don't think pedophile really want extra attention pedobear would give them , especially on their car ..

And lol @ I swear I didn't know she was 3 ahahhaha
jure qu'y sont stupide dememe lol "pedophiles identify themselves with those stickers'" LOLOL wtf
pouahahahahaha je sais pas c'est quoi qui le plus drole: Ceux qui prenne ca vraiment au serieux ou le fait que ca se soit rendu au news,
pedobear cest de la serious business pour ben du monde.....expliquer ca aux baby boomer vous allez voir leur reaction. Faut connaitre l'humour d'internet pour comprendre lol un peu comme les troll face et la plupart des .gif
I loved the full retard seriousness of that report!

1. buy a popular internet meme sticker for your ride
2. end up swat teamed at your work, beaten by cops calling you a pedophile
3. face decades in prison go broke funding legal defence
4. Be forever alone
5: Profit!?
this is not the first news report about this. i don't understand how they can continue to be so stupid. millions of young adult males on forums all around the world know better than these clueless idiots.
It had to be women......

But seriously, the line "if we save just one kid, it'll be worth it" is such bullshit. What will be worth it? Saying everyone who's ever laughed at a pedobear sticker is a pedophile who needs to be watched?

"Whoever trades freedom for security will lose both and deserves neither"