North Korean Leader Kim Jong Il, 69, Has Died.

Intéressant! J'ai poussé un peu ma lecture sur le sujet, voici de quoi de pas mal funny :

"The North Korean navy is considered a green-water navy and operates mainly within the 50 kilometer exclusion zone. The fleet consists of east and west coast squadrons, which cannot support each other in the event of war with South Korea. The limited range of most of the vessels means that even in peacetime it is impossible for a ship on one coast to visit the other coast."

Une grosse armée équipé de lance-pierre!!

No doubt your quote is written by a western mind set of always being the aggressor, now try using that same scenario as a defensive forces if the west ever tried anything like an Iraq or a Libya on them !

The combined forces of NATO can't even declare a victory after decade from a bunch of rag heads hiding in caves, let alone a disciplined nuclear armed army !
No doubt your quote is written by a western mind set of always being the aggressor, now try using that same scenario as a defensive forces if the west ever tried anything like an Iraq or a Libya on them !

The combined forces of NATO can't even declare a victory after decade from a bunch of rag heads hiding in caves, let alone a disciplined nuclear armed army !

En fait, vu la structure socialement et politiquement contrôlante de la Corée du Nord il serait plus facile d'envahir et ensuite garder ce pays que l'Irak. S'il n'ont pas réussis par le passé, c'est bien grâce à la Chine. Sans son intervention, il n'y aurait plus de Corée du Nord, mais bien qu'une Corée. Sans la Chine, la Corée du Nord serait déjà "morte".

Le pays serait plus facile à garder tout simplement parce que les gens sont extrêmement dociles en Corée du Nord comparativement à l'Irak ou la Libye et qu'une rébellion venant de l'intérieur composé de résidus de l'ancien régime est impensable. C'est la guérilla qui tue l'OTAN. Il n'y en aurait pas suite à une annexion par la Corée du Sud.

La menace selon EDT :
Bonne nouvelle! pour finir l'année.
Par contre le pay est tellement contrôlé par l'armé que je me demande bien si la mort du dictateur va changer de quoi?
No doubt your quote is written by a western mind set of always being the aggressor, now try using that same scenario as a defensive forces if the west ever tried anything like an Iraq or a Libya on them !

The combined forces of NATO can't even declare a victory after decade from a bunch of rag heads hiding in caves, let alone a disciplined nuclear armed army !

An army cannot win guerilla warfare when they are set up to fight another army. Look at the first Iraq war.
An army cannot win guerilla warfare when they are set up to fight another army. Look at the first Iraq war.

I guess history hasn't taught you much !

4 to 1 against a well equipped force supported by the USA and still triumphed !
North Koreans are patriotic, they believe they are the chosen ones to reunite their Motherland with their Southern brothers !