can't wait for 20 years down the road.

PS: Ta grande maîtrise de la langue germanique trahirait-elle ta condition de petit ''skinède'' néo-décrocheur habitant une banlieue 100% blanche mais 75% consanguine et le fait que tu n'as pas reçu de ton père/frère le niveau d'affection que tu aurait souhaité? Car c'est la première fois que tu chie quatre mots d'affilé sans faire de fautes d'orthographe.

remember how back to the future projected the future in ~30 years... well that's in 3 years. Still waiting on flying cars to come by first...
Wshockley: Je trouve seulement déplorable que tu n'ais rien de mieux à présenter pour soutenir ta thèse qu'une vulguaire ''IQ map'' dénichée je ne sais où sur cet ammas de bêtises qu'est internet. Peut-être as-tu tout de même raison et que la race aryenne a largement démontré, autrefois, ses uniques facultés civilisatrices, mais les choses ont radicalement changé depuis. Visiblement, le QI n'est plus le facteur le plus décisif, en supposant qu'il l'a déjà été. La race blanche est sur son déclin, alors que les autres s'émancipent.

Si je n'ai rien mis d'autre c'est que nous discutons de ce sujet pour la 100e fois. Je crois que le QI reste un facteur important dans le développement d'une civilisation. Un gros map donne des indices mais la réalité est beaucoup plus complexe. Il y a un livre, The Bell Curve qui expose la différence entre les races principales aux états unis et en fait une corrélation avec des statistiques pertinentes (criminalité, scolarité, salaire moyen, % sur le bs, etc.)

Un bon exemple:

Cela dit beaucoup plus sur la réalité américaine que la carte. Certains proclameront que c'est un environnement d'enfance pitoyable qui fait des noirs américains des abrutis. Ce n'est pas vrai. Comme dirait William Shockley:

My research leads me inescapably to the opinion that the major cause of the American negro's intellectual and social deficits is hereditary and racially genetic in origin, and thus not remediable to a major degree by practical improvements in environment.

Vid related:

The white race is declining because of very low (sub-replacement) birth rates among white couples. At the same time, other races are procreating to absurd levels.... 2 to 5 times replacement value.
EVERYONE needs to use condom's more often. These families of more than 2 or 3 children is what is destroying this planet. "The Matrix" pointed it out best.. We're a virus that is designed to kill off this planet. I'm not the only person disgusted by some races having 8 kids which can't even support that many and think it's ok. I've seen way too many times 6 or 7 kids crammed into the back of a shitbox cavalier, basically a rotten clown car. If you can't afford the basic essentials, go fuck a wall or something.
There are some brazilian chicks that are stunning, same with indian.. but it doesn't make me want to breed with them.

I'm sure most of it comes from the fact I grew up in a very Caucasian area. We had 3 black kids and maybe 5 asian in our school of 600, with the rest all french or english, but a strong majority of english. I sometimes wonder what it would have been like to grow up in Montreal where everyone is mixed, but at the same time, that is where all the crime, prejudice, racism, and other crap originates. I don't see having much in common with hanging out with a group of asians, blacks, or the such.
I'm not saying its a horrible thing to be all mixed in one big smorgasbord of ethnicity, just doesn't appeal to me. I'm not going to hate someone because they're another race, I just don't want to be part of their culture, beliefs, or anything else. I can just imagine how messed up it must be for a Jew trying to date an indian and have the families agree 100% of where the other family is trying to come from on anything.. interesting Christmases, they must be.

I've lived my whole life downtown Montréal or near downtown and I've had less problems with crime then my uncles who live in Mirabel/St-Jerome where it's 99.9% white.

And maybe if families learned that it doesn't fucking matter what religions people have and if the Indian family tried some motzaball soup and the Jewish family tried some fucking tandoori chicken, we'd have a lot less problems in the world because we'd realize that we're all humans.

But I do agree 100% that a lot of people have way too many kids.

What they don't realize, I think, is that when you live on a farm in rwanda, kids make money because it's cheap labor for the farm. When you live in a city in a civilized country, kids cost money.
anti-racism, multiculturalism are zionist tools of oppression. Read up.

I've read up on this before, yeah their intent purpose might be something else than what my personal view that there is nothing wrong in 'mixing'. Yes I may never accept a white female into my life because of my strong attachment to my heritage (though I'm happily married to one from my race). But that doesn't mean I cut off my heart to the idea of being with a white female. IF my heart leads to her, then what's wrong? Are you going to supress your desires?

Let me ask you one thing, if you believe in sticking together, you automatically believe in pro-creation right? Are you oppose to homosexuality? Because I am and the reason being just like your theory of "made for each other", I believe man and woman were made for each other and not man for man.

So, no I don't agree with you on 'sticking together' even though I want my kids to stick to their heritage as best as possible but even if their heart leads them to a Jew, I'm all for it.
I've read up on this before, yeah their intent purpose might be something else than what my personal view that there is nothing wrong in 'mixing'. Yes I may never accept a white female into my life because of my strong attachment to my heritage (though I'm happily married to one from my race). But that doesn't mean I cut off my heart to the idea of being with a white female. IF my heart leads to her, then what's wrong? Are you going to supress your desires?

Let me ask you one thing, if you believe in sticking together, you automatically believe in pro-creation right? Are you oppose to homosexuality? Because I am and the reason being just like your theory of "made for each other", I believe man and woman were made for each other and not man for man.

So, no I don't agree with you on 'sticking together' even though I want my kids to stick to their heritage as best as possible but even if their heart leads them to a Jew, I'm all for it.

What if their heart leads them to homosexuality?
What if their heart leads them to homosexuality?

I don't believe in that bullshit "born with it" homosexual nonsense. That's why they won't be brought up in an extremely 'liberal' environment! No room for homosexuality.
I don't believe in that bullshit "born with it" homosexual nonsense. That's why they won't be brought up in an extremely 'liberal' environment! No room for homosexuality.

There are US soldiers who are born in the christian south who are homosexuals. There are arabs born in fundamentalist families who are homosexuals. I think they were brought up in the most conservative way possible and are still homosexuals.

Homosexuality is not a choice, it's a biological anomaly that occurs in humans and other species.
Let me ask you one thing, if you believe in sticking together, you automatically believe in pro-creation right? Are you oppose to homosexuality? Because I am and the reason being just like your theory of "made for each other", I believe man and woman were made for each other and not man for man.

Oh yes, most certainly. Homosexuality is a certain percentage natural aberration and an increasing percentage socially engineered. I don't hate on the homosexuals but I don't support their campaign of lies. I pity them.

Man and woman are designed for one another and it is immediately obvious to the casual observer. A woman seeks security and support and it is a man's nature to provide this. A man seeks love and acceptance and nurturing, a woman is naturally inclined to provide this.

Men and women are complementary.

And both are necessary to properly raise children.

It is only in the last 50 years that this is no longer the case.... or they keep trying to drill into everyone that this is no longer the case.
EVERYONE needs to use condom's more often. These families of more than 2 or 3 children is what is destroying this planet. "The Matrix" pointed it out best.. We're a virus that is designed to kill off this planet. I'm not the only person disgusted by some races having 8 kids which can't even support that many and think it's ok. I've seen way too many times 6 or 7 kids crammed into the back of a shitbox cavalier, basically a rotten clown car. If you can't afford the basic essentials, go fuck a wall or something.

some places promotes having lots of kids. Quebec is a good example of it with it's welfare and child allowance.
Quebec needs more french speaking people. but with it's doors open, you see the immigrant popping more kids.

kinda sad really, people prefer having more income in their pockets than having kids.
Qualités physiques des noirs, intelligence des chinois du Japon, sens des affaires des blancs et capacité à travailler 100 hre / semaine des chinois de la Chine.

Moi je pense que le métissage va nous apporter beaucoup de succès.

PS. Avant de me faire traiter d'arriéré plein de préjugés...c'est une JOKE.

Et si l'enfant a le physique asiatique, intelligence noir, sens des affaires des Amerindiens?
I hate to say it.. But i kinda agree with the racists..

Then again, maybe ive been in quebec too long, je me souviens! Loi 101 and all that keep our culture BS..
I agree with you 100%. China and NK are some of the few places left where the average person actually gives a a shit about their heritage

It's normal. BY NATURE you're only supposed to be attracted to people of your own race. Countless studies have been performed on toddlers measuring brainwaves and whatnot. The children react with pleasure or don't react at all seeing someone of their own race. The children react with FEAR on seeing someone of a different race.

They drill it into kids from a young age that miscegenation is desirable when in fact it is contrary to nature and extremely destructive to the gene pool.

It is a paraphilia to be attracted to other races. If a black person is attracted to chinese women, it's because there's something wrong with the black guy, not that he likes exotic things and is a liberated modern person. He's been brainwashed into going against every primal instinct wrt selection.

Your philosophy disgusts me on so many levels. Having met lots of self-aware mixed race dudes in the past, I can tell you that a lot of these motherfuckers are unhappy at their parents' choices. One dude is half-asian/half-quebec and he is trying to find a chinese girl that will take him so he can dilute out the quebec part, but no chinese girl will have him because he's a halfbreed (thats what they actually call him. i didn;t invent this word myself)

Keep doing what you're doing but be aware that no quarter shall be given to your children and the chances of their being happy are slim. you are a victim of virulent marxist philosophy.

But hey, it's OK. all races are equal right?

WRONG. and IQ map says so.

You a Nazi like me ? ...LoL
Here is more proof, except the messenger is black man ! ...LoL
