can't wait for 20 years down the road.

Ça se passe comme ça juste dans les grandes villes, dans les milieux rurales c'est 99% la même race. blanc dans notre cas.
I don't see what the attraction is, I don't find other races attractive. I also don't get how a chineese man thinks he has a lot in common with a black woman, or any other way around.

Guess I'll just have to see what happens down the road.
Disgusting, dissolved gene pool, but we already have a perfect example of what will happen ...its called America !

I agree with you 100%. China and NK are some of the few places left where the average person actually gives a a shit about their heritage

I don't see what the attraction is, I don't find other races attractive. I also don't get how a chineese man thinks he has a lot in common with a black woman, or any other way around.

It's normal. BY NATURE you're only supposed to be attracted to people of your own race. Countless studies have been performed on toddlers measuring brainwaves and whatnot. The children react with pleasure or don't react at all seeing someone of their own race. The children react with FEAR on seeing someone of a different race.

They drill it into kids from a young age that miscegenation is desirable when in fact it is contrary to nature and extremely destructive to the gene pool.

It is a paraphilia to be attracted to other races. If a black person is attracted to chinese women, it's because there's something wrong with the black guy, not that he likes exotic things and is a liberated modern person. He's been brainwashed into going against every primal instinct wrt selection.

I think that it's great! The day we can look at each other as just people, not people of a certain race/color/religion is a great day for humanity in my books. Of course, I've been in an inter-racial relationship for over three years, so I am all for it.

Your philosophy disgusts me on so many levels. Having met lots of self-aware mixed race dudes in the past, I can tell you that a lot of these motherfuckers are unhappy at their parents' choices. One dude is half-asian/half-quebec and he is trying to find a chinese girl that will take him so he can dilute out the quebec part, but no chinese girl will have him because he's a halfbreed (thats what they actually call him. i didn;t invent this word myself)

Keep doing what you're doing but be aware that no quarter shall be given to your children and the chances of their being happy are slim. you are a victim of virulent marxist philosophy.

I agree with this. We have different races for a reason, different cultures, lifestyles, ideology etc...

But hey, it's OK. all races are equal right?

WRONG. and IQ map says so.
Your philosophy disgusts me on so many levels. Having met lots of self-aware mixed race dudes in the past, I can tell you that a lot of these motherfuckers are unhappy at their parents' choices. One dude is half-asian/half-quebec and he is trying to find a chinese girl that will take him so he can dilute out the quebec part, but no chinese girl will have him because he's a halfbreed (thats what they actually call him. i didn;t invent this word myself)

I'm sorry. I guess I'll dump my great Indian girlfriend then, so I can be less disgusting to you... We are not the same color, so therefore shouldn't be together. Tsk tsk.

Your halfbreed shit is BS btw... I was born a halfbreed, I have friends who are, from all over the place, and none of them ever resented being of mixed origins. Some of the replies in this thread remind me of the KKK banter about not polluting the gene pool.
I'm sorry. I guess I'll dump my great Indian girlfriend then, so I can be less disgusting to you... We are not the same color, so therefore shouldn't be together. Tsk tsk.

Your halfbreed shit is BS btw... I was born a halfbreed, I have friends who are, from all over the place, and none of them ever resented being of mixed origins. Some of the replies in this thread remind me of the KKK banter about not polluting the gene pool.

what are your two halves then?

Can you honestly say you are a part of either original culture?

I don't care if she's great. She should be great for an indian dude.
what are your two halves then?

Can you honestly say you are a part of either original culture?

I don't care if she's great. She should be great for an indian dude.

I'm part north African and part Canadian (English roots way back). I mostly identify with my Canadian side and most would never know I was a "halfbreed", although having mixed origins has given me the opportunity to see the world through a different perspective as well. I think being of mixed origin has helped me be more open and accepting of differences between races and people from different parts of the world.

I hope you enjoy your ignorant narrow minded mindset, though. To each his own, really; I can understand your perspective, but whites (or whatever you are) are not a dieing breed (at least, not outside of major cities), so I don't see why you wouldn't be with somebody of different origin, even if they made you happy.
I don't see what the attraction is, I don't find other races attractive. I also don't get how a chineese man thinks he has a lot in common with a black woman, or any other way around.

Guess I'll just have to see what happens down the road.

I always see gorgeous women who are Asian, Latin, Arab, Indian, etc
Mixed breeds tend to make better looking children. It is not so much the colour but the ideology and cultures. Some cultures simply do not mix...
hahah u guys are all racists, period. mixing race and breeding has ALWAYS been a common thing since human civilization has existed. kings would give their daughters to other nations for a stronger relationship between nations, ect... The moors invaded europe and only took white brides.

im not gonna do a history lesson here. but clearly some of u guys are straight up racist.

ps this is coming from a dutch/spanish/jamaican/panamanian mutt who never had a problem and has fucked multiple races and currently is fucking a scandinavian!

haters gonna hate.
Mixing it up is good for the survival of our species, introductions of new genes to the pool is good.
I always see gorgeous women who are Asian, Latin, Arab, Indian, etc

There are some brazilian chicks that are stunning, same with indian.. but it doesn't make me want to breed with them.

I'm sure most of it comes from the fact I grew up in a very Caucasian area. We had 3 black kids and maybe 5 asian in our school of 600, with the rest all french or english, but a strong majority of english. I sometimes wonder what it would have been like to grow up in Montreal where everyone is mixed, but at the same time, that is where all the crime, prejudice, racism, and other crap originates. I don't see having much in common with hanging out with a group of asians, blacks, or the such.
I'm not saying its a horrible thing to be all mixed in one big smorgasbord of ethnicity, just doesn't appeal to me. I'm not going to hate someone because they're another race, I just don't want to be part of their culture, beliefs, or anything else. I can just imagine how messed up it must be for a Jew trying to date an indian and have the families agree 100% of where the other family is trying to come from on anything.. interesting Christmases, they must be.
Mixing it up is good for the survival of our species, introductions of new genes to the pool is good.

You think ? science says no !

It would help some races in bettering their IQ, but then again the by product isn't a race, its a hybrid !

The Spanish were the only ones that used "Sexual Conquest" on a massive scale which in my opinion is more powerful than nuclear weapons, some of their by products got better IQs such as Latinos, Mexicans, but others got dumber such as Filipinos !

Marry a Jewish girl ! ...LoL
Hélas, le futur s'annonce très sombre, et en particulier pour la race blanche, un peuple de lâches qui mérite probablement ce qui l'attend. Nommez-moi une seule civilisation digne de ce nom qui n'a pas été l'oeuvre de la race blanche... Comme l'a si bien dit un boxeur de race noire qui n'est pas nécessairement lui non plus le meilleur exemple qui soit d'un être particulièrement civilisé, :'' Lorsque je regarde aujourd'hui le peuple blanc, j'ai beaucoup de mal à croire qu'ils sont les descendants d'Alexandre le Grand.'' Je n'aime pas non plus nécessairement le choix qu'il fait comme ultime représentant de notre grandeur du passé, mais ses propos font mal puisqu'ils ne sont pas du tout faux. Vous ne verrez jamais un blanc se faire exploser pour une cause, pas plus que vous ne verrez une autre espèce accepter aussi docilement de renoncer au peu d'héritage culturel qui lui reste encore.
Wshockley: Ton racisme primitif me lève royalement le coeur. Moi aussi je déplore le fait que l'on inculque aux gens la haine de tout ce qui pourrait être soit blanc soit noir et que l'on souhaite l'instauration d'un monde où tout serait gris. Ce qui fait qu'une certaine femme m'intéresse, c'est qu'elle possède des caractéristiques rares qui lui sont propres. Dans un monde où tous s'efforcent de calquer un modèle de merde qui lui est gentiement proposé par on sait qui, c'est ce qui fait la valeur de quiconque s'en éloigne. On appelle cela le culte du concept de personnalité, ce qui nous a jadis permis, entre autres choses, de nous distinguer à ce point des autres espèces. Je partage également ton avis selon lequel (et je citerai ici Nietzsche): ''Il est impossible qu'un homme, même en dépit des apparences, n'ait pas en son corps les qualités et les préférences de ses ancêtres''. Mais cela n'a de toute évidence pas survécu à des décennies de promotion de la honte d'être blanc. Je trouve seulement déplorable que tu n'ais rien de mieux à présenter pour soutenir ta thèse qu'une vulguaire ''IQ map'' dénichée je ne sais où sur cet ammas de bêtises qu'est internet. Peut-être as-tu tout de même raison et que la race aryenne a largement démontré, autrefois, ses uniques facultés civilisatrices, mais les choses ont radicalement changé depuis. Visiblement, le QI n'est plus le facteur le plus décisif, en supposant qu'il l'a déjà été. La race blanche est sur son déclin, alors que les autres s'émancipent.
Sieg heil mein führer !
Imbécile. Une chose est sûre, ce n'est pas des spécimens en ton genre qui redorent le blason de la race blanche. Tant pis pour toi si tu as interprété mon propos de cette façon. Je suis la personne la moins raciste qui soit.
Imbécile. Une chose est sûre, ce n'est pas des spécimens en ton genre qui redorent le blason de la race blanche. Tant pis pour toi si tu as interprété mon propos de cette façon. Je suis la personne la moins raciste qui soit.

PS: Ta grande maîtrise de la langue germanique trahirait-elle ta condition de petit ''skinède'' néo-décrocheur habitant une banlieue 100% blanche mais 75% consanguine et le fait que tu n'as pas reçu de ton père/frère le niveau d'affection que tu aurait souhaité? Car c'est la première fois que tu chie quatre mots d'affilé sans faire de fautes d'orthographe.