Like it or not (mustang) ?

Le nom Mustang écrit partout et les têtes de cheval mur à mur, les mags chromés, ça fait kitch pas mal... Beaucoup de Mustang appartenant à des boomers tombent dans se genre là malheureusement.

Sinon la peinture comme tel à l'air bien.
this ain't the worst i've seen, but cue the is wrong with people. what is going on in their thoughts? how do they function in society with such obvious deficiencies? can i get a big jackie chan what the fuck up in this bitch?

specimens such as this really make me reconsider life and the things i take for granted. such as my inherently good taste when it comes to absolutely anything. i thought i was just born with that along with everyone else, but people are continuously proving it to be some kind of rare blessing, to not own the ugliest shit possible.
Le nom Mustang écrit partout et les têtes de cheval mur à mur, les mags chromés, ça fait kitch pas mal... Beaucoup de Mustang appartenant à des boomers tombent dans se genre là malheureusement.

Sinon la peinture comme tel à l'air bien.


Take off the horse head, and some new wheels and it's a lot nicer. Still looks like it might be owned by a 55 year old named Gerard who might be the owner of a local restaurant in a really small town, but the paint is well done, regardless of how tacky it is.