The ''I'm quitting smoking, for real this time'' thread

i started at 13 i was never a big smoker but i quit 2 years ago the day after new years,im28 now i fucking hate those things when i got to my parents or even my wife's parents the both smoke,i almost puke from the smell.

marijuana now that smells fucking good

good luck
been a month, and 3 day of no fap (after seeing the doc on porn fap....) and yes for Sex :)

like a huge cure of whatever loool...
j'ai 32 ans, j'ai commencé sérieusement à fumé à 16, et le 1 janvien 2012 j'ai fumé ma dernière cigarette. 2 chose M'ont beaucoup aidé: 1- on a eu un enfant.
2- Champix , c'est un médicament que tu commence à prendre 10-15 jours avant une date que tu souhaite arrêter de fumer. Tu te motive à arrêter à cette date là, tu commence les pillules, et tu continue à fumer. Le médicament coupe les ''récepteur de bonheur'' lié à la cigarette, fak tu continue à fumer, mais ça goute la marde, et tu la jete souvent rendu à 1/2 !! plus le temps passe, et tu te rend compte que tu passe 4-5-6 heures sans fumer et t'en a même pas envie. la journée que c'est fini, c'est presque un soulagement, et si tu avais vraiment la motivation, et que tu l'a toujours, ça ne sera pas si difficile que ça... Le plus difficile en fait, c'est 3-4 mois après, pendant une grosse brosse, quand quelqu'un fume à coté de toi, mais sinon, quand je boit comme un trou avec mes chum non-fumeur, l'idée ne me vient même pas à tête, et je suis plus riche de 200$/mois !!! après 3-4 mois tu le sens dans le compte de banque!

Bonne chance, informe toi sur Champix, parce que ça convient pas du tout aux gens avec tendence à la dépression, c'est dangeureux pour eux.
I also don't have no intention to quit smoking.

It's either Djarum Black for me or nothing at all.

I also don't have no intention to quit smoking.

It's either Djarum Black for me or nothing at all.


Used to smoke those exact same kretek smokes..
I used to work for a cigarette company and quit smoking not long after quitting that job.

The best "trick" to quit smoking is really to put your mind on something else if u get a craving. The cravings only last seconds and if you can "forget" your craving by doing something else right away, it's a lot easier to deal with since u've already put your mind to something else. Also, set a significant date. Jan 1st is perfect. I did it last year and have since smoked 2 cigarettes since because i was completely drunk and didnt even finish the smokes because i was so disgusted by it.

Put your mind to it, will power will help you achieve anything!
Heres how i quit.... Works well.

Go at Walmart and Buy a huge bag of lollipops , keep your month occupy !

Take lots of lollipops per Day at first to avoid wanting cig ... after couple of days/weeks you will reduce lollipops/day.

Worked for me.
you have to want to, i smoked for over 10 years and just did not enjoy the taste anymore... on my way to school one day i was out of smokes and was too lazy to stop, i figured i'd buy one after class, but then too i was on my way home and decided not to stop and pick some up... i was smoke free for 2 years, then i discovered DRUM tobacco, it tasted so damn good that i started smoking again because it was actually enjoyable... i never quit because i felt like i "had" to for my health, for my image, etc. i just never really enjoyed canadian cigarettes, they taste like shit, period.

just recently i bought an ego twist with a bunch of e-liquids and haven't smoked in 2 days because it tastes even better than DRUM!

the older i get, the more my tastes are refined... like how i stopped drinking jack and bombay, replaced with good single malts and hendrick's

the way i see it if you still smoke regular canadian cigarettes, you're a peasant
money doesn't buy taste

and i'll hardly say rolling my own cigarettes which end up costing less than regulars is BALLIN

learn to live or continue being a peasant, i don't give a rat's ass lol
you have to want to, i smoked for over 10 years and just did not enjoy the taste anymore... on my way to school one day i was out of smokes and was too lazy to stop, i figured i'd buy one after class, but then too i was on my way home and decided not to stop and pick some up... i was smoke free for 2 years, then i discovered DRUM tobacco, it tasted so damn good that i started smoking again because it was actually enjoyable... i never quit because i felt like i "had" to for my health, for my image, etc. i just never really enjoyed canadian cigarettes, they taste like shit, period.

just recently i bought an ego twist with a bunch of e-liquids and haven't smoked in 2 days because it tastes even better than DRUM!

the older i get, the more my tastes are refined... like how i stopped drinking jack and bombay, replaced with good single malts and hendrick's

the way i see it if you still smoke regular canadian cigarettes, you're a peasant

Why the fuck would you even post this?
Le frère a ma blonde a décidé qu' il arrêtait aujourd'hui one shot... Il fumait 3/4 a 1 paquet par jour. J'y donne pas 4 jours...

Envoyé depuis mon cellulaire :s
I smoked from the time I was 16 to about 25. not much, 3-4 a day. I quit pretty much cold turkey one day because i had finished my cigs and felt too lazy to go buy another pack. Days went by and I still didn't buy any cigarettes. I borrowed a cig every now and then when around others that smoked but stopped doing that after a while. Been smoke-free for about 7 years now. I don't hate cigs but don't crave them either. I would not refrain myself from borrowing one if I felt like it, but I haven't felt any need in 7 years.

just clear your mind of the idea of smoking, don't count the days/weeks/months, don't think about how much you should hate smoking or how bad it is, etc. just don't think about it.
I've been smoking since I was 18, and I'm 30 now. Tried to quit countless times, and did it once for a period of two years. Lately, I've started to enjoy it less and less and less, especially considering I train like crazy, and am the only one in the office coughing as if I'm dying. My goal is set to January 6th of this year (following a weekend visit from brother and friends to Tremblant, so that ain't gonna work).

I plan to just stop, and chew niccorette gum or whatever. Train everyday three times if I have to.
So i stopped smoking yesterday... im going apeshit. I want to light shit on fire and inhale the fumes lol.
Ran out and bought an ecig kit. Much better now. Man that first day is rough.

PS i was a pack a day smoker.
So i stopped smoking yesterday... im going apeshit. I want to light shit on fire and inhale the fumes lol.

1 year and a half here :) Seriously, no one can think of all those thing that get better when you quit. I never thought it would change my life that much. 6 months after I quit I slowly start going at the gym even though I'm really lazy (going 5 times per weeks now). I feel my body need to move now, I smell things I never smell before, I can taste differences in flavours that I never knew it exist...

I was smoking 1/2 to 1 pack a day for the last 15 years. I can't count how many time I tried to quit before and the best thing is that this time I was not considering quitting.
One guy at my job bought electronic cigarette (not those cheap thing at depanneurs) and I thought I could use them at the same time then real one, just for the fun. The day I start using it I quit. It was not planned but I did'nt fell the need anymore. Well the e-cig I got at that time had nicotine but I went high nic first and each new bottle I was going down until no-nic at all.
I had one today when I woke up and I'm holding out till maybe after dinner for my second.
I'm shooting for 3-4 max total in the day.
I'm really trying hard to quit this disgusting habit.