The ''I'm quitting smoking, for real this time'' thread


New member
With New Years just around the corner, I'm sure I'm not the only one reviewing a few aspects of my life I'd like to see change. For me, it's smoking lé cigarettes. I've been wanting to quit for a while, on and off actually, but there's always that little voice inside me saying ''who gives a fuck brah''.

Anyway, I want to quit for real this time. No partial smoking, no ''I haven't smoked in a couple days'' bullshit, straight up quitting.

Any tips? Everyone keeps saying that I'll have to substitute with something but I'd like to avoid that. No point quitting a habit to have it replaced with another.

Also, congrats!
Any tips? Everyone keeps saying that I'll have to substitute with something but I'd like to avoid that. No point quitting a habit to have it replaced with another.

Also, congrats!

but the money you would spend per months on smoking in a box and pay yourself something each month (or a trip at the end of the year).
I will try to, I have no fking clue why I smoke, but I need to stop. The idea of putting that money aside monthly is quite interesting honestly, I'll be close to 300$ per month
Im on the same boat.....its getting easier when i look at the receipt, and see the prices going up and up and up every year. I wish all you guys the best, im planning on making this one count.
Don't talk about it, stay away from smokers, don't count the days. Get your fav chewing gum to replace the cigarettes. Good luck.
Si tu te tiens avec du monde qui fume, bonne chance! Si t'es capable essaye de pas les voir pour le prochain 6 mois lol. Pis pense pas que si tu fumes juste quand tu bois ça va fonctionner.
Few of my friends tried Ziban (sp?) And worked great. You keep smoking while you take the pill, after a few months you simply do not crave cigarettes anymore. I was thinking of trying it. I have a short fuse and work in sales , i cant be snapping at all my clients for lack of nicotine lol
I should stop smoking weed. I'm not addicted and it's nowhere near as addictive as cigarettes, but like cigs, it's just such an expensive and pointless habit. I'd save HUNDREDS of dollars per month, hundreds that I could spend on car mods instead. I bet my teeth would be yellow as fuck if I didn't brush them 3-5 times a day.

Any form of smoking is garbage imo, except shisha of course.