Nagano Japanese JDM : Feedbacks ?

Personellement Je ne connais pas Nagano et a voir les commentaire .. Je n'irais pas mais celle la j'ai toujours eu un tres bon service :

JDM Racing Motors
6600 Rue Magloire, St-Léonard, QC H1P 1N9 ‎
(514) 327-3231 ‎ ·
If you go to a used JDM import shop and pay the full asking price, I'm worried about you. :S

personally, i have my own furnisher since 2004 directly if i want something. :p
in the past 10 years, i have barely bought 6-7 things at local shops. loll i never spent money there unless i thought it was good deal, which are rare occasions (bought an engine, which i still have. a few wheels and other small stuff. nothing fancy).

On the other side, a friend of mine who buys all their blown rotary engine for his garage. he has bought well over 50 engine in the past couple of years.
so these guys are always nice when i talk with them. and SOME of these shops DO test their engines.
but buying used engines (and any other "used" parts) is always taking taking a gamble. sometimes to your advantage, sometimes not.