Religion of Peace... again.... Disgusting... watch the entire vid...


Well-known member
British Girl Returns To Her Home Town Which Has Been Invaded By Aggressive Muslims

Mass deportation back to their deserts is the only solution...
"I need to make it clear that I left the EDL because I was spending too much time trying to keep goose-stepping white pride morons away from our demos and not enough time actually doing anything to stop the advance of Islamic extremism. I wanted to make sure our legitimate concerns were not ignored because Nazi morons destroyed our voice in mainstream politics and media."
- former EDL leader Tommy Robinson. show your support !

This break my heart
this is new and interesting

dumb sloot walks in on muslim protest and starts arguing... bewildered that people are mad at her. slootlogic/10
this is new and interesting

dumb sloot walks in on muslim protest and starts arguing... bewildered that people are mad at her. slootlogic/10

Who cares about her.. Are you listening to what they're chanting? Are you paying attention to the posters some of these morons are holding up? Did you even listen to the stupidities the guy was saying at the end?

These people would say and act the same even if it was a decent person out there.
Pretty extreme, angry stuff.

What the world needs to realize is that Muslim =/= angry and disgusting. Look at countries like Indonesia or other areas in Asia; this is where the world's largest Muslim population is centered and they're not extreme or expressively discriminatory by any means. The problem is extremism, and unfortunately the groups that have moved into other countries often are extreme in their views. We see lots of Muslim Arabs expressing hostile anti-western views, so islamophobia is rampant around the world.

I can only imagine visiting my hometown and finding it had been taken over by a dominant group that was spreading hate against the town's people. It happens all the time though, regardless of what ethnicity the "invading" group is. In this case though, it's extremely upsetting because when you're living within a country and enjoying the benefits of citizenship (as opposed to living in a warzone at home), you should STFU and not judge the local population based on their traditions. I know that if I moved somewhere across the world, I'd respect local traditions and if anything, make myself more at home by adopting them as well, instead of just complaining.
Hitler ---> La race suprême des Allemands

Muslim ---> la race suprême des Muslims

je vois pas de différence entre les 2, à part que Hitler a tout fait en 10ans tandis que eux le font pendant 50. Sa l'air moins pire échelonné sur 50 que 10, mais le résultat est le même.
honnetement ca me fait peur, l'infiltration est tellement subtile, jai des copains qui operent un lave auto, super sympatiques

mais ca fait 25 ans qu'ils habitent ici, aucun signe d'integration, ca chiale au boutte sur les quebecois, et ils essaient de m'integrer
au muslims, apparemment je suis superieur au autres quebecois :dunno:

agnostique au boutte, je leur repond tjr qque jaime trop le bacon, ainsi qu'avoir la paix en general.

je leur en veut pas, cest des bons jacks, mais cest treeeees loin d'etre les seuls, le manque total d'integration des peuples du maghreb ca augure pas tres bien...
multi culturalisme

tout qui est Autre que la culture blanche est bon et doit être protéger au détriment de celle des pays accueille (Française, Anglaise, Norvégienne, Suédoise, Allemande, Roumaine, Italienne.)

Si on fait les math le multi culturalisme = Anti blanc

Le multi culturalisme a été instaurer par nous savons et forger dans nos tété par les média qu'ils sont propriétaire.
"I need to make it clear that I left the EDL because I was spending too much time trying to keep goose-stepping white pride morons away from our demos and not enough time actually doing anything to stop the advance of Islamic extremism. I wanted to make sure our legitimate concerns were not ignored because Nazi morons destroyed our voice in mainstream politics and media."
- former EDL leader Tommy Robinson. show your support !

This break my heart

Je suis aussi Pro EDL Je leur es même fait une Donation.

riposte laïque en france C'est comparable aussi.

Beaucoup regroupement Qui pouce En europe.
Beaucoup aussi nationaliste (white Pride)

On a besoin du Nationaliste a une certain niveau. LEs Muslim c est une chose, mais que toute notre argent soit manipuler par un groupe qu'il veut tout envoyer a Israël C'est aussi pire.
British Girl Returns To Her Home Town Which Has Been Invaded By Aggressive Muslims

Mass deportation back to their deserts is the only solution...

Coming soon to your neighbourhood.



C'est CERTAIN que la charte, meme si elle passe, elle va etre annullee par Ottawa, et ca va donner a la grosse porcine, un tres bel argument pour la separation du Quebec. Ceux qui s'imaginent que c'est autre chose que ca vous revez en technicolor.

J'ai autant peur de la charte, que de la proliferation des Musulmans dans le monde, et que de la separation du Quebec. Les trois ne peuvent qu'apporter du mal pour tous. Entoucas, pas du bien.
Une autre raison pourquoi la charte n'est pas asser sévère, elle devrait s'attaquer a beaucoup plus que le domaine gouvervenementale.
Nuke em all! If nobody does anything this will happen here as well. Europe is already screwed.. Go to Greece today it looks like afghanistan. Just 10 years ago it was paradise with 0 crime and very prosperous.
Im all for deporting extremists, no matter their religion.

Islam dans ca nature est Extremiste.

comme tout les autre religion abrahamic.

En bref si quelqun ce dit ouvertement Muslim il faut s'en méfier.

Dans le Quran il est encourager au muslim de mentir au mécréant (nous)

La religions est une question de nombre et ceux qui on crée Islam mise sur cela.

Mais Lorsque en nombre inférieur le muslim est libre de mentir au Mécréant. pour Calmer le jeux et convertir Infidèle le plus possible.

Pas tout les religions qui joue sur la conversion. La Religions du peuple elut. Eux les Goyim ( ca c'est nous) sont la pour les servir.
Donc il faut que les serviteur sont en nombre supérieure que les maitres.

pour ca que immigration est essentiel pour eux.

en bref soit nous somme des Goy ou des mécréant. Mais des amis je voix ca null part dans les saint écriture de dieu.

et je ne parle pas des baptism christian. des fou furieux eux aussi....
It's the unfortunate reality of many European cities. Through very high birthrate and a little conversion as well, muslims will be the majority in the near future and when that happens, Europe as we know it will be gone. Actually, muslims are shooting themselves in the foot with these sort of hate protests since they raise people's there's still hope, however, I doubt any major change will happen without major bloodshed, at this point.
It's the unfortunate reality of many European cities. Through very high birthrate and a little conversion as well, muslims will be the majority in the near future and when that happens, Europe as we know it will be gone. Actually, muslims are shooting themselves in the foot with these sort of hate protests since they raise people's there's still hope, however, I doubt any major change will happen without major bloodshed, at this point.

Raises awareness but not a single politician has the balls to stop this from happening here as well. They'll only realize it when it's already too late. In other words, we're fucked a few decades from now.