How to make your clothing brand become hated in 0:54.

rag and bone ? That's a brand for real ?

rags and skeleton would be more representative of the fashion industry.
I didn't about their brandd until now, so the ad works I guess. And they paid for the car, they can do whatever they want with it, 911s are not protected by the unesco yet.

this is art
C'est vraiment nul comme ' Annonce '

Ils auraient du prendre une vieille VOLVO qui n'aurait pas cassé !!
Ahah en effet ça aurait été pas pire une vieille 240 turbobrick.

Le bloc de béton aurait cassé sur le top en miettes
Lets make statements about how wasteful we are to upset the largest number of people so everybody buys our clothes.

Looks like a 1979 SC.

As someone previously mentioned, it's just a skeleton. Very easy to tell from the ride and how there was no fluids, and there seemed to be no engine in the bay.