Article: alright which one of you losers chill at 110 in the left lane?

I don't give 2 shytes anymore! It doesn't even upset me. I slap on 99.5 on the radio and stay relaxed. I might be illegal by passing on the right, but the person hogging the left lane is also illegal. When I see stupid shit hapening in front of me, I just shake my head in disgust! It may take me 5-10 mins longer to get home, but at least I am not 6 feet under!

chu tellement rendu comme ca aussi.

je perd plus d'energie a rager pour rien, alors je reste chill et je passe a droite tranquillement.
ugggghhhh another morning to work , another 15 min lost cause of fckers who wont move out of the fckin left lane. If i was a cop i would spend my time stoping left lane huggers , explain to them how stupid they are and then make them wait a good 20 min before i ticket them.

seriously i would spend my time harassing people who drive like idiots instead of ticketing people who do 150 on a empty highway
Another castrated male that thinks he has the authority to BLOCK the left lane and CONTROL the speed of others. You sir, are an idiot.

I'm surprised to see such people on MontrealRACING trying to make a point to slow down, when they are actually in the wrong, even in terms of the law.

It is actually hilarious. So you're saying for example, some dude whose kid might be injured at a sporting event and needs to get there asap, should wait behind your ass because you seem to think you have the right to control the speed of trafic and block the left lane?

Is that your what you are saying? Just making sure you aren't stupid or trolling or I misunderstood your point of view.

so you're the guy with the Civic?

I think you're trying to say that your perception is that you can go 200km/h (exaggerated example) in the left lane, but since you're in the left lane your speed is irrelevant because you're passing.

Arret de te trouver des excuse pour rien. Le gars avait juste a pas aller a gauche si il savait que sa roulait aussi vite. Ainsi il ne serait pas coincé a rouler 110kmh comme le 36 autres tata en avant de lui.
130kmh c'est rien, va faire un tour dans les autres province pour voir...

Funny, because I'm from another province. I've also driven in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island. Even driven in the states.
Road trips to and from the east coast I'd rarely get passed going 125km/h in the 110km/h zones.
I don't see what your point is.

Just slow down. You don't have to drive 130km/h on any Montreal highway
MR gonna MR.
8 pages now, and we're bickering about other things.
Too much granular components in the female reproductive system.

Dude in Civic with MR sticker can block the left lane, but some MILF with a ''Proud parent of John Rennie student'' sticker can't whore the left lane? It's major problem and people can bitch about it. This is what this thread is all about!
I just saw this thread, that's my OLD car that I sold in June, can tell from the mismatched trunk lid....I asked the kid to take off my MR sticker if he wasn't a member. I forgot to take it off...none the less, only took 2 months for him to smash the rear in, way to go buddy!
I fuc#$% wish we had the same signs as the states slower traffic keep right. Retards every morning on the 40 stick to the fastlane and then coming back at 4 they just sit there and look at me like Im the bad guy passing at 120. One of the reasons I like my p71s.
À en écouter plusieurs ici, en plein embouteillage avec la voie de droite et du centre qui roule à 5 km/h, la voie de gauche devrait demeurer vide, sauf pour exclusivement LEUR auto qui roulerait à 130 km/h
À en écouter plusieurs ici, en plein embouteillage avec la voie de droite et du centre qui roule à 5 km/h, la voie de gauche devrait demeurer vide, sauf pour exclusivement LEUR auto qui roulerait à 130 km/h

qui ca?
I just saw this thread, that's my OLD car that I sold in June, can tell from the mismatched trunk lid....I asked the kid to take off my MR sticker if he wasn't a member. I forgot to take it off...none the less, only took 2 months for him to smash the rear in, way to go buddy!

Well, there you have it.
À part les left lane hugger, ce qui m'énarve c'est le manque de "couilles" du monde en général, exemple je parcours la 116 qui est une seule voix dans les 2 directions et c'est 90/kmh. Tu pogne un tarla qui décide de rouler 79 km/h en PT cruiser. Faque la personne le dépasse, même si ya 1 km sans aucun char en sens inverse. Nonon, le monde aime mieux le coller dans le cul pis rouler sa ligne jaune "TABARNAC Y VAS TU SE TASSER OU ALLER PLUS VITE". Non y vas pas se tasser. J'ai juste un criss de 4 Cyl pis sa m'arrive fréquemment de dépasser un convoie de 3-4-5 char qui brette personne ose dépasser pis sa fait des est de file de mongole.

ca m'arrive tellement souvent aussi dans mon coin aussi. so V6DANSPANNEENCARAVAN #yolo

Felt good no loosers from MR hugging the left lane tonight.
^^Well ...some people are too lazy to move completely to the right then to the middle again.
See, there are cars in front of him, so in 50. meters he will have to move.
And that will take too much time and he will waste tires (because switching lanes uses your tires) and the bulb of the flasher will burn sooner.
^^Well ...some people are too lazy to move completely to the right then to the middle again.
See, there are cars in front of him, so in 50. meters he will have to move.
And that will take too much time and he will waste tires (because switching lanes uses your tires) and the bulb of the flasher will burn sooner.

À en écouter plusieurs ici, en plein embouteillage avec la voie de droite et du centre qui roule à 5 km/h, la voie de gauche devrait demeurer vide, sauf pour exclusivement LEUR auto qui roulerait à 130 km/h

et pourquoi faudrait pas ça ? pourquoi que le monde qui sortent dans une sortie congestionnée devrait barrer le chemin de ceux qui continue tout droit ?
So last night on the 15S...this blueish civic I think...with MR sticker ....driven by a 'lady " if we can call her like that ....was on the left lane for about more than a minute with nobody in the middle and right lane. She passed a car and stayed on the left lane. Next car she overtook was like more than a km away. (pic above with her overtaking the 2nd car)
I didn't highbeam her nor anything, just let her drive and see when she will move to the right. She did finally move but after about 75 seconds.
Bad quality pic...but here we go


I flash my tits at you to signal you have a burnt light on your VW.