Allahu Akbar - The Infidels Have Been Struck


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Another crane collapse special brought to you by tuNEDTV™
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Dieu le veut..........y'en a une couple qui avait manquer la priere de vendredi passé le choix.
Llelelelelelell look at you guys. All we can read on this board is nuke the shit outta those terrorisers, wipe that part of the world off, basically putting them all in the same boat... and now that a few peasants are squashed, you get your panties up in a bunch.

meh it's the internet, the birthplace of synthetic anger and care. just give it 48 hours and it will be something else people cry or bitch about
meh it's the internet, the birthplace of synthetic anger and care. just give it 48 hours and it will be something else people cry or bitch about

nobody is crying or bitching about anything, there is only a bunch of dumb Kossaks being happy about it
Y'a une certaine partir d'ironie quand on pense que du monde ultra religieux se mangent une grue dans la face drette dans leur sacro-saint lieu de pélerinage. Logiquement sa devrait être le lieux le plus safe de la planete!

Peut être qu'il y avait tellement de croyants d'a travers le monde qui priaient dans cette direction la que ça a crisser la grue a terre?

"There was no way for people to know that the crane was about to collapse for them to scramble,"

Perhaps a higher power could've warned them? Oh wait...
Ca serait bon qu'il en aille une en haut de chaque mosquee qui tombe a chaque semaine partout dans le monde en meme temps. Ca va faire du bien en esti.
wow...are you pleased about the death of these human beings? you should really be ashamed of yourself.


Not pleased because its tragic that innocent people die. In terms of tragedy, lets be real, this is smaller than a plane crash with 100% innocent people. If one terrorist died in there, I'm fine with saving lives indirectly. The odds of a high % radical muslims being at Mecca is high. Racial Muslims=Sharia law believers and favor honor killings of women. There is a majority of radical muslims in the world whereas the chill muslim is a minority.

I will laugh at the fact that religious fanatics died in their supposedly safest place on earth where they should be protected by their god, instead they get shit on. Sorry but goddamn the irony is strong.

RIP to the dead innocents

to the rest:


majority of muslims in the world major repost:

so considering they are at mecca, a very very high majority of them should be radicals there.

oh and also:
the crane was owned by the Bin Laden family (and possibly struck by lightning days before)

Natural selection by allah and maybe Al CIA Qaeda.

2 comments from misc:

1-If this happened in america they'd be dancing in the streets
2-Saudi Arabia is the biggest exporter of terrorism in the world. And their people are the most racist scums in the world. South Asians laborers (and women) get treated like slaves over there. So don't be surprised at the lack of sympathy.

P.S. I'm agnostic.
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