News: What Do You Think Of The Pope's Fiat?


Staff member

Pope Francis is in the midst of his first American visit to much fanfare. We’ll leave the actual reporting of the Pope’s visit to pure news agencies but let’s focus on the unexpected use of a Fiat as the Papal vehicle.

Stephen Schneck, the director of the Institute for Policy Research and Catholic Studies at The Catholic University of America, said he loves that little car according to NPR:

"It looks like a clown car when they all get in it. But it's just such a perfect metaphor for his message," he said.

The car in question is a Fiat 500L and while we can’t confirm this, it appears as though it’s just a regular car with any special armor.

In an interview with the Spanish daily La Vanguardia, he said [an armored car] didn't let him connect with people.

"It's true that anything could happen," he told the daily. "But let's face it: At my age, I don't have much to lose."

As for Fiat, a Washington area dealer is being bombarded with clients inquiring about the Pope’s ride. It came totally by surprise as corporate didn’t inform them ahead of time.



oh man ce gars-là est tellement simple.

Rien d'extravagant, c'est l'homme le plus connu et vénéré du monde et se cache même pas derrière une vitre pare-balle.
I had the exact same car last yeah in Italia.

What a fucking piece of shit.

But he's an amazing person.
not a fan of the pope, neither a fan of the car

Pope in general or this Pope in particular? So far the only people who I've seen don't like him are United States conservative Republican climate change deniers.
Pope in general or this Pope in particular? So far the only people who I've seen don't like him are United States conservative Republican climate change deniers.

I'm a climato sceptic, not denier. I believe climate change is happening, I just don't think it's caused by humans.
But that's not even the point.

I don't like popes in general and I hate how this one takes stances on political matters.
As if someone who believes in fairy tales and unicorns should be an expert on anything other than fairy tales...

He's just a political tool used by the media
I'm a climato sceptic, not denier. I believe climate change is happening, I just don't think it's caused by humans.
But that's not even the point.

I don't like popes in general and I hate how this one takes stances on political matters.
As if someone who believes in fairy tales and unicorns should be an expert on anything other than fairy tales...

He's just a political tool used by the media

I Agree with your entire statement including being a climato skeptic, but nevertheless IMHO.

The Pope > any other political figure.


Clamato Skeptic?


I think the proper term is Climate Skeptic.
I think that he sets the tone, that the pope is serious about fiscal responsiblity and the finances of the holy see, and not living high on the hog. ....... unlike certain others.

beaucoup de misère a l'importance que la société accorde a quelqu'un qui a des amis imaginaires , encore plus de misère avec l'aspect monétaire de l'église , une business déguisée Milliardaire, qui possède over 700 millions en valeur mobilière , des trésors antiques , monument digne des musées , qui blanchit du cash , tellement qu'en 2013 l'italie a bloqué les transactions de retrait et paiement par carte de crédit a cause du manque de transparence

même les Américains on mit le Vatican sur leur liste select de '' cible potentielle pour le blanchiment d'argent par des groupes criminels''

les Milliardaire du Vatican qui vont dans les pays pauvres , se pavaner avec leur richesse , au nom de leur ami imaginaire , donner a l'église

en plus , on donne un crédit d'impôt a ceux qui donne aux lieux de culte

mais bon pour la question de Danny , le nouveau pape est plus charismatique que l'ancien et la 500L c'est une auto de femme

y'a même un sosie , cet acteur la