Knife vs Hammer: Who wins?


Legacy Member
So, my squad started this debate about 6-7 years ago while drunk, obviously.. and because of the hammer attack in Laval yesterday we've been going at it in group text. Its kind of our "If a tree falls in the woods" debate, and we're split, half take hammer and half take knife.

The debate is.. you are fighting a clone of yourself, so same strength, agility, reach advantage etc.. one has a standard claw hammer, the other a 4" hunting knife. Fight to the death, who wins?



I myself am on team hammer, I like the reach advantage and feel that unless I get stabbed real good in the stomach I win with the hammer. Even a poorly swung hammer can compound fracture an arm or leg, even missing direct impact with the face of the hammer will do damage.. whereas with a knife, grazing or stabbing will not stop me. I also like the fact that I can turn the hammer around for some clawing action.

Here is some evidence we've found, according to our sources hammer is winning 2-0

If I smash your right arm with a hammer using my reach advantage and shatter it, how will you get in close enough, with a destroyed strong hand to cut a main artery?
If I smash your right arm with a hammer using my reach advantage and shatter it, how will you get in close enough, with a destroyed strong hand to cut a main artery?

The question becomes, can you swing your hammer accurately faster than I can charge you? A hammer is only effective at a very specific distance from your body. Too far you can't reach me, too close you're hitting behind me or striking me with your flailing arm. Once you've begun your swigging motion you can't really redirect your aim. For a hammer to do any real damage you're going to telegraph your movement.

Team knife all day.
Peu importe, le premier qui touche l'autre = le gagnant, que j'aille un marteau ou un dildo de 15" qui donne le sida-mort-instantanée.
No matter what you learn, knife attacks are a nightmare and extremely difficult to effectively defend.

A hammer attack isn't as dangerous.
Si l'attaquant connais le moindrement ce qu'il fait, le couteau gagne haut la main. Tu peut facilement retenir un marteau dans tes mains et désarmer la personne, ce que tu peux plus difficilement faire avec un couteau. De plus la personne avec un marteau doit se prendre un élan pour avoir un impact important, tu peut donc voir le coup venir.

Aller voir à 1:00
Y'en a icitte qui ont jamais swingner un marteau pour penser que vs un couteau c'est une meilleure arme.

Le video a ticul montre tres bien pourquoi.
Y'en a icitte qui ont jamais swingner un marteau pour penser que vs un couteau c'est une meilleure arme.

Le video a ticul montre tres bien pourquoi.

J'irais même jusqu'à dire que pour un combat rapproché, je préférerait que mon attaquant ai un pistolet qu'un couteau. Le pistolet tu dirige le canon hors de toi et tu as l'avantage, d'autant plus que le moindrement que tu retiens l'arme elle ne chargeras pas une deuxième balle. Un couteau tu ne peut pas l’attraper sans t'ouvrir les mains, c'est la tout le problème.