Les Métis et les Indiens non inscrits sont des «Indiens», tranche la Cour suprême

They were coming here for seasonal fishing, not colonize.

I'm pretty sure L'Anse aux Meadows was an attempt at permanent settlement. They just didn't do very well...

Another possible Norse settlement was just discovered in Western Newfoundland as well.
Parce-que si ce n'etait de Christophe Colomb, l'Amerique serait encore une terre inconnue, vierge et peuplee d'indigenes uniquement, sans jamais avoir eu de contact avec la civilisation moderne.

Les vikings sont venus 500 ans avant Christophe Colomb et les textes anciens parlent clairement du continent de l'amérique.
i want retribution as well !

Arabs/Africans have raped and colonized the south of my country 1000 years ago ! i heard they used to used the anal tree trunk torture on my greatGreatGreat.... Grandfather when he didnt want to praise Allah !

I demand a medium size pyramid !
C'est plate de rabaisser ce peuple la. Plus de gens qui pourrait le croire en ont du sang indien.

Moi le premier...

Sur mon bumper de char.
i want retribution as well !

Arabs/Africans have raped and colonized the south of my country 1000 years ago ! i heard they used to used the anal tree trunk torture on my greatGreatGreat.... Grandfather when he didnt want to praise Allah !

I demand a medium size pyramid !

K, go take it up with "your country", Canada has its own problems.

Though you never know... Trudeau may come through for you, he seems to like giving our money away.

LOL'd @ "medium size pyramid"
T'es pas meilleur qu'eux car t'es ancêtres c'était des colons, tout le monde a droit à la même vie.

Ont à évoluer et eux? Ah oui c'est vrai c'est la faute de l'homme blanc. Je comprend que c'est rassurant pour un immigrant de première ou seconde génération de toujours ramener le cliché des indiens.
Tous les " québécois de souche " qui ont pas de lineage indien c'est des osti d'immigrants. Ils devraient avoir un minimum de respect envers les premières nations car on est en fucking 2016. T'es pas meilleur qu'eux car t'es ancêtres c'était des colons, tout le monde a droit à la même vie.

Inb4 decoliss l'Indien. Nope, je suis latino

Nice faq moi aussi j'ai le droit de pas payé les taxe ?
And instead of trying to help them evolve to our modern standards all you do is bash them and tell them to fuck off?They have the BS mentality because for the past 400 years they have been fucked in the ass. If they were treated equally from the beginning this whole debate wouldn't exist.

They need good education, sure the old ones won't benefit from it, but the next 2-3 generations will take advantage of that to be part of society instead of a BS kind of community.

Have you ever been to a reserve ? They have all the chances in the world to evolve, they choose not to. Many prefer the status quo ( Ie: getting drunk and bitching at the white man. )

They have the same education system we have, i know may Indians who have thrived on their own, they just dont play the victim card

African Americans were taken from their land and enslaved and they dont get tax free living and free money..
And instead of trying to help them evolve to our modern standards all you do is bash them and tell them to fuck off?They have the BS mentality because for the past 400 years they have been fucked in the ass. If they were treated equally from the beginning this whole debate wouldn't exist.

They need good education, sure the old ones won't benefit from it, but the next 2-3 generations will take advantage of that to be part of society instead of a BS kind of community.

I think i speak for everybody when i say, we would all like this to work out , but it never will

please enumerate what are your ideas to fix it ?, and i hope youre aware that they have all the tools nessary to get a ''white'' life if they want

IT's the easiest thing to say poor them , fuck the white man ( 0 % quebecois blooded here ) but to find a solution, its often harder,

the funny part when people like you try to answer the question, they often start mentioning some of the services CAN already gives them... people just dont know,
this aint the US, Canada has been/ ARE much nicer to them .
Too many humans on this earth. Way too many.

Nah, there's still room for a few billion more. We just need to get rid of a few thousand more species of animals and cut down the rest of the trees. Because fuck nature and fuck balance. The human disease must spread!
Shut the reserves down, we then offer them to either go live into the wild or join a real town.
Hollaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

Mes chums ont leur carte , j'pense je vais aller chercher la mienne aussi j'y est droit, ca va me donné quelques avantages genre les permis de chasses,pêches etc... mais sinon faut tu reste sur une réserve si tu veux profité de tout.

Ca la pas changé grand chose pour le monde qui vive hors-réserve comme citoyen normal.
Mais pourquoi on les appelent encore des indiens? Ca la pris combien de temps aux colons de realiser qu'ils n'etaient pas en Asie mais bien en Amerique?
