So I killed a baby sparrow

cat food was probably a bad idea tbh

You never know. Ours did the same thing after maybe a 1 month. It was doing super fine and we just woke up and found it dead. Tons of people have their live a while with different diet...
Unfortunately I think you kidnapped a fledgling :(

The Fledgling Stage

Instead of a little pink, featherless baby bird, you might run across one a bit older, a fledgling.

These are young birds that have outgrown the nest. Flying from the nest to the ground is instinctual in fledglings, but their landing and ground take off skills are still developing.

Fledglings spend several days to several weeks hopping around on the ground, learning hunting and foraging skills from their parents.

During this period in the fledgling's development, the mother bird is usually within calling distance of her youngster. She will return intermittently to feed the fledgling while it learns how to find its own food on the ground and continues to mature.

What NOT to Do If You Encounter a Fledgling

Fledglings are more often "kidnapped" than nestlings because people who find them hopping around on the ground alone assume they've been orphaned rather than blown out of their nest.

If you see a fledging, you might be tempted to capture it to get it out of harm's way.

You might look around for the young bird's parents, not finding them, you assume the baby is an orphan and you approach it.

It's rare, but there is a slight chance you could be dive bombed by a mother or father bird as you get close to their baby. If that should happen, it's your cue to leave the fledgling alone.

In most cases, however, you won't see or hear the parents. If you capture the baby to remove it to what you believe is a safer location, what you're unintentionally doing is kidnapping the fledging from its mother and interrupting its natural development.

What you want to do instead is simply keep pets and children away from the area where the fledging is hopping about.

The mother and father will continue to support their young bird from a distance and within a relatively short time the fledgling will develop the breast musculature and feathers it needs to fly away to its life as an adult bird.

I'm writing the Journal De Montreal immediately to let them know that there's a sadistic pit bull owner running around kidnapping birds and torturing them to death with cat food. This is gonna be the hottest headline of the year.

Just kidding of course, i know your intentions were good.
cat food was probably a bad idea tbh

Kibble is just cereal with dried up leftover meat.

It's not that different from what birds eat in their natural habitat, seeds and worms.

I don't think Masaker did anything wrong in how he fed it.
I still feel like the idea of him pre-chewing worms and letting the bird eat it from his mouth directly was better...much more natural feel haha

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Sorry there mr nature....i dont know shit about animals soo pardon my ignorance

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I didn't know either until today. This thread has made me learn a few things, so Jack the sparrow did not die in vain. To be honest, my first reaction was also "just chew up some worms and spit it down that mafk's throat..."

Ya you ozone killer go out there and run all the cyclists with your certified clean diesel.

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The truth has been choice to fill your house with soot tonight when you are one must know lmao

*if it says its must be true right? There is a sticker to prove it..

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