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Anyone hear of the availability of MP3s?? I am not looking into getting one yet, but maybe in a year's time... should there be some available then or should I put my name on a list now???
next year the mp3 will be a new one... the color will be an orange and the motor will be a doch 2.0l turbo of 180hp(not much but better than 130) so if you want one be sure to have 25k or much to pay it because the 2001 was 24k so go to a mazda dealer and ask about it
j'ai entendu que ca va etre turbo ca.. ca a tu de l'allure?
Ouais j'ai entendu dire ca au guide de l'auto... mazda va suposement sortir une Mp3 turbo de 180hp 2.0l doch.. c'est juste des supositions mais y sont pas mal au courant eux autres.. yont dit qu'elle tournerai dans les alentour de 26000$ tk.. ca reste a voir..
i asked the guys at the mazda stand at the auto show and they say no more mp3, maybe an xm satelite version in a few years
well that made a lot of sense since the mp3 was a special edition and only a few ones were built

the best person to aske might be your dealer since i will be him that will sell you a car
nouvelle MP3

La nouvelle Mazda MP3 va être turbo, avec une nouvelle couleur (orange brûler) et puis elle va être disponible en septembre ou presque
This is the 2003 mazda mp3.
It will be called the Mazda Speed 3.

am i the only one that can't see the pic????

so they are going to come out with the mp3 as well as the mazdaspeed protege? quite the lineup there!
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