Anyone ever drifted with an **auto-école** car ?

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I DID :thefinger :laugh:
First time too , and it's really pleasent..
Yes I know start thread that sucks lol
But have someone ever did this ?
Le gars m'avait faite des 8 ds le parking pi d derapage l'hiver pour me montrer comment stais pas controlable din foie sur la glace pi la neige :bigup:
Wow can i be your friend
My driving school teacher smoked a joint before every class with me. I would drive around on the cut off. I did Red line clutch drops and yes i did throw the car sideways effectlively snapping the handbrake cable.

so i ask once again can i be your friend

BTW yes Natzi Flame artist sspikey is back to make everyone's life miserable,

sspikey said:
Wow can i be your friend
My driving school teacher smoked a joint before every class with me. I would drive around on the cut off. I did Red line clutch drops and yes i did throw the car sideways effectlively snapping the handbrake cable.

so i ask once again can i be your friend

BTW yes Natzi Flame artist sspikey is back to make everyone's life miserable,

no I don't want to be your friend...
Because I havbe enogueh friend :laugh:
So .. maybe .. Yes be my friend if you want
Calvaire ou avez vous ete pour vos cours ? Moi lors de mes cours (ya 8 ans) javais une femme assez poche et calme qui me parlait de ses demonstrations de plats tupperware pendant une bonne partie de la ride.. Assez penible merci .
Moi mon instructeur mettais de la musique country tellement fort que j'entendais pas ce qu'il me disait quand je conduisais... pathétique... mais bon, il fallait le faire...
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