legal to park a car on the street with no fenders?

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Legacy Member
I've taken the front bumper and fenders off my stang to do some bodywork, anyone know if I can park it on the street or will I get a ticket?
I don't think so, I've seen this van parked on my street for 2 months in the summertime with 4 flat tires and no hood. And I never saw any tickets on it.
i think you won't get nothing but if you are in a street that they are 2000 police car a day who pass maybe you gonna get one;)
Concerning your question, this is what applies.

41. Tous les éléments fixes de la carrosserie, les accessoires et les équipements auxiliaires prévus par le fabricant doivent être présents, adéquats et solidement fixés.

43. Les pare-chocs et leurs supports prévus par le fabricant doivent être présents, avoir la même dimension et être du même matériel que ceux prévus par le fabricant.

But since your vehicle will not be driven on the road, (you say it's parked only for a short period) there shouldn't be any problem. The articles mentionned above apply to vehicles that will be driven.
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