Hit and run info

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New member
Hypotheticaly speaking, i wake up in the morning and some thing smashed my car. It's totaly messed up, i call the cops and then what would happen?

Would i have to claim the damages on my insurace or would the Saaq insurance pay for it? What happens if i have only comprehsive coverage and not collision?
Je ne suis pas sur mais je crois que ca passe pour vandalisme parce que c'est un acte criminel et que tu ne conduisais pas ton vehicule. Ca m'est arrive pour un miroir mais ca ne valait pas la peine a cause du deductible. Ne prend pas ma reponse pour du cash, il y a surement qqun qui travaille dans les assurances ou qui a deja reclame qui va pouvoir t'informer.
Most probably it will go to the insurance company as a hit and run, not your fault so the insurance will not go up, but it will go in your records indicating you got into an accident.
You're better off calling your insurance company to find out. I've also heard that the SAAQ might pay for damages, but i'm not sure. Call both of them to find out.

By the way a hit and run like this, hitting a parked car and leaving without leaving information or calling the police, is not a criminal act. The Road Safety Code has sentences for people who does a hit and run. A hit and run will become criminal if you injur or kill someone with your vehicle in an accident and flee the scene.
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