f*king insurance!!

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New member
sup guys. i have an s13 and im having trouble finding insurance for the f*cking thing. help plz.

jai un s13 pis jai la difficulter a lassure. svp qqu aide moi tbk!!
Man, when I got my car, I had no trouble FINDING insurance.... I had trouble paying it!!! LOL :yikes: :yikes:
Sounds dumb, but try WAWANESA, they insure almost anything and anyone...
and thats y theyrre more expensive :( im with them.... anyway... how many claims do u have? 3+ and most companies wont even think about insuring u lol...
j'ai un s13 pas eu aucun trouble a assuer pis mon frere a un s14 lui non plus n'a pas eu de trouble meme vga.

comme d'aute on dit peut etre ton dossier......

si non essai club assurance, quand je vandais des voitures (ca fais moin d'un an) il mon sauver plusieur vente
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