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Salut Stefane,

Je me suis inscris au cours de pilotage de la FAQ; ( just can't wait to april!!) sauf que j'ai un petit probleme. Je sais que le cours theorique ce donne le 15 avril, ce qui tombe en plein dans mon dernier cours au H.E.C. avant mes examens de fin de session, donc a ne pas manquer!

Y aurais-t-il un facon, avant ou apres, d'avoir un genre de breifing sur ce qui a ete etudie ???

Merci :)
Sorry buddy, you might as well just hang up your racing shoes and take up lawn bowling. LOL!
no problemo

ok, CK la theorie est lundi soir le 15, si tu as un examen ce soir la , j'ai une autre date pour la theorie soi vendredi soir le 19, par contre c'est une date pour les gens de l'exterieur (quebec, toronto, usa) et le contenu est malheureusement plus condensé. si tu as d'autres question appel moi directement au 450-629-2829, car c'est pas Chris qui vas pouvoir t'aider avec ca.
Re: no problemo

Where has everyone's sense of humour gone? Geez.

Racing according to Chris:

1) Brakes are for the weak. You don't need them if you want to win. Take them off for better acceleration and less weight.
2) Keep the factory shift knob on the car because it has an "R" on it. That's for "race". The aftermarket one's don't have a race mode.
3)Never go around a corner when you can go straight through the grass. It's faster and the car smells good after.
4) If you start to slide steer the opposite way of the slide, then raise your hands in the air, scream at the top of your lungs and then when you come to a stop, look around like you didn't do a thing and can't understand what happened.
5) When you pass an opponent, make sure to flip him the bird and open you visor and stare him aquare in the eye. Then stick your tongue out at him.
6) Like in the movie "Driven" if you don't seem to have the power to get by a car, simply downshift and floor it MORE!
7) Fill your tires with Helium to lighten the car up.
:cool: make sure you use a high performance air freshener (Vanilla)
9)Always rotate your exhaust before each session
10) Torque your coolant, gap your tires, top up your cams, balance your mirror.
Now you are ready to race!!
Re: no problemo

I know you just like the brake thing...
Rubbin' is racing. Unless your doing it in the bathroom, then it's something else.
Re: no problemo

you know Chris, out of your 297 post I counted 288 non tech related but rather very relaxed, casual almost( am I diplomatic or what?) funny post. You are tha coolest!.;)
Re: no problemo

Look, I know you are going to need my help to set up that Beetle of yours. Put your pride behind and just ask, I'd be happy to help.!:) hehehe!!

Did you really count all of them? Like I said, there are not too many really serious questions here, so make the best of it. Anyway if you really want to know, you'll (the guys on the board) call one of us at work.

I'm a laid back kind of guy when I can be. It's what I like the most. I don't like to put on my "mean guy" mask. Grrrr, grrrrrrr!
I also like my thinking fits sooo nice.
later Steph.
Re: no problemo

Is that what you want to do..."catch" him Steph? lol
Chris is lying though...he rarely puts on his thinking cap. He usually wears his "Larry" cap.

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