CArpet King

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Legacy Member
What the hell are you doing up so late???
Don't you have to get up in a couple of minutes to go sell those nectarine thingies??
I actualy had a nightmare of a guy with glasses and a funny smile, stairing at me with a bunch of s/w`s behind him, waz kinna scary...wait a minute, thinking bout it, YES! it waz you!!!!! ;)

se ya tomorobro!
hey crapet king,all i have to say is..........................JACKY!
This is a test. If this were a real emergency, some hesterical woman would be screaming bloody murder...
Hey, Carpet Larry, what the hell are you testing? Our patience?!
Come on, that was funny.
trying to get the f4?"$%? pic. to apear next to my name !!
Still not working!!!! rrrrraaaarrrrrhhhhh!!!! :evil:
chris i would have given you a 10,but you disapoint me so much that im giving you a 6,you just pass!
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