Clear Taillights

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Karim E36

Legacy Member
Is anyone interested in a set of clear taillights for an E36 sedan.
They are COMPLETELY clear, really nice but illegal as is.
Can be used for shows or you can make it LEGAL by adding DOT-approved red reflectors (which I can also supply). Red and orange bulbs are included.

Let me know if you are interested. I can let them for a really good price.
Very cool to see another bmw owner in here

where do u live?
what car do u have

i have a e36 318 same color as youres

Thanks for the welcome.
Actually the car on the picture is not mine. I have a 1995 White 318i. I live in Laval.
Nice to join this forum. I hope we can bring the BMW forum some more activity ;)

We are not as active as the others. Lets show them what we can do.

Karim.'re the 4th Karim on this board! There's more Karim's here than Joe's.:p
soo where 3 318 I 1995 on this board
gotta love that car
we get more people and do a little bmw drive!
Je projette de m'acheter une Bmw 318 bientot et je trouve c'est clear cool je me demandais combien ca coute ceux comme sur la Bm silver ?
Tu veux t'acheter un 2 portes ou 4 portes.

J'ai un set de clears pour un 4 porte 1992-1998.

Ca vaut autour de 300$US (450$ can) pour des neufs.

Mais je peux te faire un tres tres bon prix.


Et bien c'est justement une 318 4portes au alentoure des année 1992 dépendamment de ce que je vais trouver, ton offre m'interresse tu as un e@mail sur lequel je peux te joindre???
Tu a un magasin a toi ou tu as une plogue, si non avec qui tu fais affaire ??
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