Comment développer abdo bas du ventre?

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Avez-vous des truc pour développer les abdo mais plus au niveau du bas du ventre?

Je fais 3 série de 20 redressement assis tout les jours depuis 2 mois mais j'ai l'impression que mes abdo du haut se développe plus vite.. pour moin de résultat au bas ventre.

fait des sit ups décliné, mais tinquiette pas c'est les plus dure a dévéloppé. T'est pas tout seule mon chum!
i was ganna start a similar thread...rep

i already do the leg raise thing....i will try the decline crunches as well.
Your lower abs are developed just fine.

The problem is that men accumulate most of their bodyfat around their waistline. Therefor, your lower abs will be less visible than your upper abs.

You can do decline situps and leg raises all day long and guess what, you still won't see your lower abs.

Decreasing your bodyfat is the key if you want to have more "developed", or rather, more visible lower abs.

In order to decrease your bodyfat, your diet MUST be geared towards fat loss.
Like it was said, lower abs happen in the kitchen


I do feel that leg raises work more the hip flexors than the abs
Your lower abs are developed just fine.

The problem is that men accumulate most of their bodyfat around their waistline. Therefor, your lower abs will be less visible than your upper abs.

You can do decline situps and leg raises all day long and guess what, you still won't see your lower abs.

Decreasing your bodyfat is the key if you want to have more "developed", or rather, more visible lower abs.

In order to decrease your bodyfat, your diet MUST be geared towards fat loss.

I agree 100% but maybe the guy asking the question doesn't have fat accumulation in the waist area and still doesn't see his lower abs.
I agree 100% but maybe the guy asking the question doesn't have fat accumulation in the waist area and still doesn't see his lower abs.

This is possible but very unlikely. Ever see the skinny kid in high school that's never done a situp but has a 6-pack? The abs are there, it's just the fat that's covering it.

The abdominal muscles, despite what many people believe, require little direct training. Every time you run, jump, kick, throw, etc. the abs are being stimulated. If your training routine consists of squats, deadlifts, and weighted chin-ups, and standing overhead presses, you're abs will get more than enough work.

Look at pro bodybuilder Dexter Jackson, who many believe has the best abs in the business. HE DOESN'T DO ANY DIRECT AB WORK!!!

Ce que Bo182 est tout a fait juste, a tout point de vue. Le seul truc vriament important que tu puisses prendre c'est diminue ton % de gras, c'est l'important. Maintenant, the skinny guy qui avait des abdos, c'est un bien grand terme... oui on les voyais, mais ils étaient plat et "vide". Si tu les veux rond, ben la tu dois en faire et juste des abdos ordinaire, ben tu vas plafoner vite...

Moi, la premiere chose qu'on remarque c'est mes adbos (surtout ceux du bas justement) et tout le monde me demande comment je fais... y'a pas de trucs.. fait en en masse pis entraine toi bien, check ce que tu manges.. quand tu en voudras des plus ronds, ben change tes excercice pour en faire avec de la charge ! :)
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