How to fight off the "beer" belly

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Hey guys, lately i've noticed a beer belly forming, this went completely under the radar and now that ive noticed it i plan to fight it.

Im starting GYM next week to get back to running, push ups, sit ups and all the good stuff. My question is as follows: How can i still have a few drinks here and there ( i dont drink beer, i drink rum, gin, vodka, etc etc) but make sure its not going to cause a beer belly. More specifically, what certain drinks are no no's and which one's can i continue to drink?

Ce n'est pas la bière ou l'alcool qui te donne une bédaine mais c'est plutôt ce que tu manges avec. En tout cas, c'est ce qu'un diététiste m'a dit. Quelqu'un peut confirmer?

De toute façon, abuser de l'alcool n'est vraiment pas bon pour ton coeur et tes muscles. J'avais passé un fit test au Sporting Club du Sancturaire, ce qui est quand même un bonne référence et quand j'ai dit que je consommais 2-3 bières par jour, la personne m'a regardé avec des gros yeux en me suppliant de réduire ma consommation. Tu sais, 2-3 bières par jours, c'est facile durant l'été.

Ah oui et la fameuse bédaine, si tu veux la réduire ben tu dois d'abord commencer par manger sainement et au minimum 3 fois par jour. Le matin, si tu jeunes jusqu'au midi, ton organisme va vouloir absorber un maximum et faire de réserve parce que ça fait longtemps que tu es à jeun. La pire affaire que tu peux faire c'est de skipper le déjeuner et manger un gros repas gras le midi. Après le gros repas du midi, tu feel lourd et tu veux t'endormir. Ton organisme se fait des réserves de gras et ton tire en prend un méchant coup :p

Si tu commences par changer tes habitudes alimentaires, soit en mangeant plus de fibres et en déjeunant, ta situation devrait progessivement s'améliorer.
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It's a simple diet but quite annoying, STOP EATING CARBS AFTER 3 , and reduce the fats... what's going to happen is that with less carbs in your diet , you will be obligated to replace, breads,pasta, rice etc.. with fruits and vegetables .... Try not to work out at night in this case because low carbs mean low energy for your workout

Do that plus cardio plus abs and u should be fine ! Drink only water nothing else, a drink here and there is okay
Maybe I'm just crazy but the whole STOP EATING THIS AFTER XXX TIME is ridiculous. If you eat a proper diet, limited by the amount of calories required to lose weight then how does the time of day have anything to do with it?
mcmajo , it is stupid if YOU STOP EATING ! but if u read properly , its stop eating CARBS , so pack up on proteins and vegetables and fruits ...
Just try what skyline is saying, and eat less carbs. Just replace your snacks and whatnot with stuff that have more protein, like fruit and cottage cheese. Some of it is actually really delicious, and it will keep your appetite down.
i did this diet for approximately 1 month, MASSIVE DIFFERENCE ! Since u cannot eat carbs , you have to replace all foods by stuff like what j-money pointed out ... however i was very hungry all the time because carbs is usually what fills me up the most ... you have to increase your protein intake and also eat maybe max 150 g of carbs before 3 ...
there's almost as much calories (if not more) in rhum and certain other hard alcohols. Even worse since most of them you will mix with Sprite, Coke, Ginger Ale, etc
Wow everyone is way off, yes your diet will affect your weight. But a "beer belly" is caused by drinking too much alcohol which causes an inflated liver. This is because your liver needs t compensate for the consistant large intake of alcohol poisons in the system on a regular basis. If you have a large beer belly the ONLY way you can get rid of it is by not drinking and staying healthy, away from alcohol and the sort.
mcmajo , it is stupid if YOU STOP EATING ! but if u read properly , its stop eating CARBS , so pack up on proteins and vegetables and fruits ...

I'm very well aware that nobody should stop eating, even while dieting. But I'm going to raise the bullshit flag on everyone that says to stop eating carbs after a certain time of day. Sorry, but it doesn't matter what time you eat your carbs. Obviously, fat people will try anything so no point in trying to convince them otherwise. But people trying to lose bodyfat to tone their already existing muscles are more likely to realize that the time of day means jack shit.

And as far as my personal opinion goes, only desperate people should cut carbs from their diet. You need them. Carbs are important, they're your fuel. A balanced diet will beat a unbalanced lacking diet such as Atkins bullshit. Sure, it works, but I'd never sacrafice my health for it.
I don't believe in cutting out carbs completely however cutting carbs out after a certain time is very healthy.

You may find this hard to believe but a LOT of people have adopted this as their lifestyle. People who want to lose weight, yes, but also a lot of people who want to stay lean (bodybuilders, day to day normal people)

I'm not a professional on this but in the past few years I've learnt a lot by reading many books and talking to nutritionists.

I'll explain to you what carbs do and why it is to your advantage to not eat them after a certain time.

In a nutshell, carbs release insulin in your body. Insulin leads to fat storing. It basically tells your cells not to burn any fat. It wants to store it all.

Why is this bad? If your activity level after a certain time (let's say 5pm) is little to none at all, then eating carbs is not a good idea. Also, if you sit at a desk from 9-5, again, not a good idea to pack up on carbs.

Your carb intake should include mostly whole carbohydrates. This means, whole grain breads, beans, fruits and veggies.

Try to stay away from refined carbs such as white bread, white sugar, etc. There is no nutritional value in refined carbs.

You said it yourself "Carbs are important, they're your fuel" You're absolutely right and this is why you shouldn't eat them after a certain time.

I'm very well aware that nobody should stop eating, even while dieting. But I'm going to raise the bullshit flag on everyone that says to stop eating carbs after a certain time of day. Sorry, but it doesn't matter what time you eat your carbs. Obviously, fat people will try anything so no point in trying to convince them otherwise. But people trying to lose bodyfat to tone their already existing muscles are more likely to realize that the time of day means jack shit.

And as far as my personal opinion goes, only desperate people should cut carbs from their diet. You need them. Carbs are important, they're your fuel. A balanced diet will beat a unbalanced lacking diet such as Atkins bullshit. Sure, it works, but I'd never sacrafice my health for it.
I don't believe in cutting out carbs completely however cutting carbs out after a certain time is very healthy.

You may find this hard to believe but a LOT of people have adopted this as their lifestyle. People who want to lose weight, yes, but also a lot of people who want to stay lean (bodybuilders, day to day normal people)
Maybe people who want to stay lean, but bodybuilders dont try to stay away from it, they try and eat as much as possible of it, during the mass gaining period it's one of their key factor of diet when they want to gain alot of muscle.
Damo said:
Maybe people who want to stay lean, but bodybuilders dont try to stay away from it, they try and eat as much as possible of it, during the mass gaining period it's one of their key factor of diet when they want to gain alot of muscle.

Some bodybuilders definitely do cut back. (I was referring to cutting off carbs after a certain time btw, not all together)

Look, I read this off the forum and it pretty much sums it up.

Some guy was asking "I have been reading quite a few of DC's posts in the forum he belongs to about his training method. One of the things he's very against, and, after listening to what he's said, I am as well, is the whole cutting and bulking thing.

Anyways, he speaks of the "carb cut offs" where 5-6 hours before bed, you cut carbs for the purpose of not getting fat. Now, I am wondering, does this REALLY help, or is it just a myth?

Someone answered:

"What DC recommends is simply a precaution. He is a fan of building muscle as the fastest rate possible with as little fat gain as possible. Which, hell, that's what bodybuilding is about...right? He throws alot of general guidelines out there and this is one of them. There are alot of guys that can get away with eating carbs right up until bedtime, whereas others can only eat carbs post workout to keep from gaining much fat. It's totally individualistic.

To actually get to the point, anyone that tells you it's a myth doesn't know anything about macronutrient timing. They're most likely the same people that tell you that the same number of calories from carbs will give you the same gains as the same number of calories from protein. We all know that isn't true. It is highly advisable to those with 'average' and below metabolisms to obey this rule and adjust it accordingly. Some may be able to eat more carbs towards bedtime, whereas others may have to cut back several hours before the proposed cut off guideline. Why the hell would you eat a large number of carbs before bed anyways? Think about it, it's just silly."

I'm just talking about cutting carbs out after a certain time. I am definitely not against carbs.

We're just scraping the surface here. There is so much more to carbs and we could get into a very lengthy discussion. High glycemic index foods have a negative effect on our health while lower GI foods won't. There is so much to talk about when it comes to this. But as a general rule, I think cutting out carbs a few hours before bedtime is a very good thing to do.
I don't believe in cutting out carbs completely however cutting carbs out after a certain time is very healthy.

You may find this hard to believe but a LOT of people have adopted this as their lifestyle. People who want to lose weight, yes, but also a lot of people who want to stay lean (bodybuilders, day to day normal people)

I'm not a professional on this but in the past few years I've learnt a lot by reading many books and talking to nutritionists.

I'll explain to you what carbs do and why it is to your advantage to not eat them after a certain time.

In a nutshell, carbs release insulin in your body. Insulin leads to fat storing. It basically tells your cells not to burn any fat. It wants to store it all.

Why is this bad? If your activity level after a certain time (let's say 5pm) is little to none at all, then eating carbs is not a good idea. Also, if you sit at a desk from 9-5, again, not a good idea to pack up on carbs.

Your carb intake should include mostly whole carbohydrates. This means, whole grain breads, beans, fruits and veggies.

Try to stay away from refined carbs such as white bread, white sugar, etc. There is no nutritional value in refined carbs.

You said it yourself "Carbs are important, they're your fuel" You're absolutely right and this is why you shouldn't eat them after a certain time.

I understand the concept, but one thing still doesn't make sense.

If your maintenance caloric intake is 2000 calories/day, and you eat 1500 per day. You're going to lose weight, regardless of the time of day. No?

I understand for some people when it comes to losing weight, they'll believe and try just about anything. But people also need to stop reading something and then repeating it to everyone like it was the golden rule.

Edit: I'm going to expand on what I said above because I don't want to come off as too concretely based into one idea. In truth, we're both right... But not exactly. I'm right in the fact that it's the calorie intake that counts, and you're right that timing does play a factor. But let's say I work from 9pm to 5pm, get home at 6 and head to the gym at 7. Should that person cut carbs after 7? HELL NO. Your body needs carbs after working out. Your body is a friggin CRACK addict for carbs at that point. However, if you work out first thing in the morning (either before or after breakfast, and don't friggin get me started on fasted morning workouts...) and when you get home around 6, you sit on your ass all night doing nothing. Should you cut carbs then? Yes and no. You should cut out on carbs but everything else too. CALORIES! You don't want to be eating a huge ass meal when you sat all day at work and you're about to sit your ass down for the next 5 hours doing nothing. Carbs aren't the only thing that gets turned into fat when it's not being used.

It has everything to do with timing, but not the time of day. YOUR timing. Eat according to your activity levels. Simple as that. Has nothing to do with OMG 3-7pm or wtv.

My 2cents.
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