Drinking protein shakes everyday

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I go to the gym and have a solid weight training and cardio workout on an average of 4 times a week.

Right now I only have a protein shake after I workout.

Is it okay to have a protein shake 7 days a week weather working out or not so that your giving your body more over the whole week?
It's ok in a way where it doesnt harm yourself. Mais le problème c'est que tu n'en a surement pas besoin.. trop de protéine et tu vas les pissé.. le corps ne prend que ce qu'il a besoin et n'en entrepose pas.

Les shakes sont surtout pour lorsque tu fais une diète et tu dois mangé 6 fois par jour. un moment donner, manger 6 fois par jour ca vient fatiquant a préparer et tout. faque tu remplace ce que tu mangerais en protéine par un shake. Mais pour monsieur tout le monde, deux grand verre de lait et t'as toutes les protéines nécessaires...

Si tu es rendu très très gros, oui, un shake est excellent.. mais sinon.. tu gaspilles ton argent.. mais ca ne peut pas te nuire.. :)
An typical day:

Morning (breakfast)
Cereal bar

Late morning (snack)

Water (1 liter)

Afternoon (snack)

Evening (dinner)

I eat meat about 6 days out of 7 in a typical week and don't drink too much milk (other than in my coffee or tea).
if you try to drink a little more milk, get some yogourt, a little more meat (more often but not more everything you eat), you might be good.. but for what you eat, yes, shake would be good ! :)
^^ wrong. Looking at this diet you have more proteins than you might think. Not enough for a wieght training program, but you won't need any protein shakes unless you start training 7 days a week. I suggest adding this to your breakfast: Mix milk with two egg whites (NOT THE YELLOW very important). You can add honey for a better taste if you want. With this you will be topping your protein needs in one day. No need to go past what your body needs.

As a side note, the most important thing about training is being in good health. I don't see much fruits and veggies in your diet. Make an effort ok?
if you're looking for mass/building muscle you should be consuming 1-2 grams or protein per pound of weight...
^and where do you get your information from mister? I get it from dietetist websites and it just so happens my gf is also a dietetist. Go see what i quoted on the other thread about having too much proteins each day. Also you didn't calculate the meat he east almost everyday. and btw he doesn't train all that hard, so he doesn't need all that much protein.

Trendster, just pay attention to your fruits and veggies like i said. They are also extremely important for your training, despite what the "professionals" on this board might think.
Guys I'm 6'3" and weigh 235 pounds right now, I want to come down to 225 by June/July so that's why I am not eating too much and in the gym 4 times a week and playing hockey 2 times a week.
^^ all the better. You train for the right causes. To be in good shape. Awesome. Then try not to eat spaghetti all that much, and forget the protein shakes. When having dinner, try to have this in your plate : 1/4 rice, pasta or potatoes. 1/4 meat, 1/2 veggies or fruits. Trust me, you do not need protein shakes at all if losing weight is what you want.

here is what you could change on your daily basis.

orange juice
Try to change coffee for tea.
bowl of cereal with milk instead of cereal bar.

perfect snack.Maybe change your banana for an apple or carrots?

Sandwich, whole weat bread and good quality meat. Put some lettuce in it, tomatoes and such. Go for mustard instead of mayo maybe.
Drink a V8. Water.

lose the bagel. Maybe have another yogurt or a yop. Keep the apple.

Evening (dinner)
Like i said, 1/4 feculents , 1/4 meat. 1/2 veggies or fruits. Lose the juice. Drink a V8 instead or water.
Mazda: the guy weights 235 lbs. Of course he wants to loose weight, but NOT eating proteins is NOT the way to accomplish this if you want to keep "muscular". YOU'LL LOOSE OF EVERYTHING.

Eating veggies and fruits is your advice? No shit captain obvious! You really need a dietetist girlfriend to come with that solution?

And I got "my information" by my simple jugment and by refering what I already knew with a simple google search.

what i'm saying is he has enough proteins everyday for what he wants to do. Of course he needs a minimum of proteins or else he'll just fall to the ground. But just by changing is menu for each day like i mention above he'll be good to go and won't need any protein shakes.
ah yes, the dietician diets. The people that tell you to hardly have any protein and then you end up looking like a concentration camp victim.

If you're dieting i would up the protein/good fats even more while dropping carbs. The thing is, you will have alot of trouble dropping weight because you aren't eating enough calories to start.

If you want i can post up my diet for you to compare. I work out with weights 4 times a week and run 4k two times a week. I'm at 5'10'' around 190 lbs and 10%BF now and actually dieting down from the winter and still eat alot more then you.

You might want to lose weight but at the same time you don't want to look frail and sickly.
I didn't read all the replies cause I'm studying for an exam tomorrow, but if you want to lose weight (seems like what you want to do from what I've read), and gain/keep mass, you don't necessarily need to supplement protein, but just EAT more protein and fiber. You'll feel fuller, and you'll get the amount of protein you need.

I take protein shakes, but only on days that I 'feel' as if I haven't ingested much. I don't train for bodybuilding, but just for general fitness, and sports.

My suggestion is, just get a few snacks which are full of protein, such as cottage cheese (protein) & fruits (fiber in most of the peel), almonds, peanut butter, etc etc. Add some Tuna to your diet too if you like the tastes. I love it, and its full of protein.

General rule is, to keep muscle mass, you need 1.6g of protein for every kg of body weight, and if I remember correctly, 1.8g/kg for sport-performance muscle building.

I don't calculate everything, and I just go by "feel." If I 'feel' as if I haven't eaten much protein (too much rice & bread, not enough fruits, veggies, eating processed foods), then I'll take a protein shake, or a protein bar. I guess you just get used to it after a while, but really just try to calculate how much you normally digest in a day.
you really need to eat a lot more

try making weightgainer shakes in the morning so they would be ready whenever youhave the time to drink it. Ah oh, dont eat to fullfil your hunger. You should always eat something.. example, youre on mtlracing so have a weightgainer shake!
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