Running the 5k

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wow I am out of shape, I do it in 25min and I am dead after that. Any way to improve it? Any way to loose weight without sacrificing muscle strenght? I am slender, but I weigh a too much, I think I have a high bmi.
Ya 25min is a great time. You really have to push to get sub 25 for the first time, at least I did...
Just take a few seconds off each K. Try doing a 4:40K or whatever and you'll be in the 23's -24's.
any ideas how to pace myself? I only look at my stopwatch when I am done, sometimes I start slow finnish fast and vice versa are there any tips?
any ideas how to pace myself? I only look at my stopwatch when I am done, sometimes I start slow finnish fast and vice versa are there any tips?

Pretty simple in fact, if you want, get a heart rate monitor (special watches) and base yourself on that, or just have a defined lenght of course you can do over and over to time yourself!
Si tu veux améliorer ton tempsm faut tu coures plus souvent. Je dirais que 3x/semaine serait a peu près le bon ratio pour augmenter ton cardio en évitant le risque de blessures le plus possible. Ce que je fais moi, je coures environ 3km en faisant 1 ou 2 sprints de 15-20 secondes en millieu et en fin de course. Jai augmenté de beaucoup mes performances avec cette "méthode" mais ce qui marche bien pour moi ne marchera pas nécessairement bien pour toi... Donne toi a fond a chaque fois et tu va voir tes résultats vont etre exponentiels.
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