Mixing protein and creatine

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New member
I have working out hard (off and on) for about 5 years now.

I recently picked it up a notch and have been going consistently for about a year now (4 times a week). I regularly have protein shakes and was wondering if I can do the following:

Mix 1 scoop of creatine with my 2 scoops of protein in a juice or milk and cycle that for a few months?

Have any of you tried mixing protein with creatine?

Let me know...
I have working out hard (off and on) for about 5 years now.

I recently picked it up a notch and have been going consistently for about a year now (4 times a week). I regularly have protein shakes and was wondering if I can do the following:

Mix 1 scoop of creatine with my 2 scoops of protein in a juice or milk and cycle that for a few months?

Have any of you tried mixing protein with creatine?

Let me know...

Lol there s nothing wrong with that. Many mass gainers whey protein powders contain a good amount of creatine already.

The only thing you should consider is using something else than milk, otherwise 3 scoops of powder can make the mix pretty thick :uke:
I mix my protein, creatine, and glutamine every day before and after workouts... It's the easiest way to take it in my opinion
Moi je trip pas trop sur la Créatine parce que first sa fait de la rétention d'eau dans les muscle pis tu deviens trop gros sans être très découpé... moi j'aime mieux etres bien découpé que rond...
Question sur la creatine. J'ai commencer a mentrainer et je voulais commence ra prendre ca justement. Je suis aller chez Popeyes sur St-Jean et le mec ma dis que Creatine SANS un weight gainer ca sers a rien. Obviously jai dis wtv ta gueule jveux pas payer 140$ de poudre pcq tu me dis de le faire.

Donc Creatine seule = fait effet?
et qqun dautre ma dis que vu que la creatine ca "hydrate", la caffeine et l'alcool vont contrer les effets..c'est vrai aussi? ca fait du sens en criss
well i think they already sell mixes of creatine and protein -- a friend of mine used to take them.
as for mixing them yourself, creatine is good if you take it on as a cyclical diet...meaning taking it for 4 weeks, and not taking it for 2 weeks..
this is mainly because creatine is already produced by your body and if you take it all the time, it hinder's your body's ability to make it and you'll stop producing it naturally.
et qqun dautre ma dis que vu que la creatine ca "hydrate", la caffeine et l'alcool vont contrer les effets..c'est vrai aussi? ca fait du sens en criss

La créatine fait de la rétention d'eau dans les muscles et aidee a regénéré ton atp dans tes muscles. La caféine et l'alcool sont diurétique.... ils te déshydrate mais ne change pas l'effet que la créatine a sur ton atp.
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