puking at the gym

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So yes i puke at the gym a TON. Ever since i've tried this new program which is no longer large compound lifts and more isolated, especially on leg day, I puke my brains out about 3/4 of the way through the workout and shake REALLY bad/ become extremely weak. Some guy at the gym mentioned baking soda 30 minutes before the workout. Any ideas?

Its retarded and i can bearly finish leg day normally...
no way!!!

I so WANT your program!!! gimme gimme gimmeeee

LOL c'est quoi ton type de programme? Moi indépendamment que ce soit un nouveau trainning ou un trainning pour lequel je suis habitué (pour les jambes je parles là) La nausée se pointe presque toujours. Surtout les exercices de Leg Curls et Leg Press à la machine (Je fais: Squats, Leg Press, Leg Press à la Machine, Leg Curls, et la je doit prendre un break pcq sinon Burp, ensuite mollet, abs, etc...)
it doesn't have anything to do with what you eat or what you should eat. It just means that you are pushing yourself to the limits. This is good. With the workout I have, my trainer just told me to keep repeating the sets until i get a headache and start yawning.
is it really necessary to push yourself to that limit?

I mean, are you training for the Olympics or to stay in shape? extremes are not usualy a good thing.
tu mange tu avant de t'entrainer ? Tu dors suffisament ? Ton training est surement trop exigeant pour toi sans vouloir etre insultant. Tu devrais couper sur quelque exercices, les jambes ca tire du jus en criss. C'est pas mieu si tu finis ton training weak pis sul point de mourrir...
haha some crazy trainers believe you don't really have a workout unless you're puking your head off at the end of it.. I puked my first time at the gym cause I don't think I was ready to do that much cardio hehe

And today for some reason, I feel like shit. I ran about 5 hours ago but I still feel like there's a brick in my stomach.

I wouldn't say it's a good thing if you're puking EVERY single workout.. maybe ease it up a bit for a while. When did you start the new routine? It may just need some getting used to.
Vomir parce tu t'entraine...Ça fais 10 ans je m'entraine pis ça ne m'est jamais arrivé ni a une connaissance.

Post ton training ici, faut je vois de quoi ça l'air !!

Appart avoir envi de bailler ou dormir durant/après un bon traning, je ne me suis jamais senti weak ou malade. Pis je m'entraine avec un culturiste, donc on s'entraine pas mal fort.
very normal

i used to puke on leg day.

ie- squats !

ur on the right path if ur puking on leg day lol

keep at it *tu*
yeah some dude tonight gave me a high five and pat on the back after he saw me puke and go back to the weighs. Tomorrow is leg day and im scared shitless....
ça mest déja arrivé de perdre la vision une bonne minute ou deux après un cours de conditionnement physique au cégep... je voyais carrément rien
I train sometimes with my brother and he puked twice in the last 6 months on legs too. You're not alone ahah
Vomir parce tu t'entraine...Ça fais 10 ans je m'entraine pis ça ne m'est jamais arrivé ni a une connaissance.

Post ton training ici, faut je vois de quoi ça l'air !!

Appart avoir envi de bailler ou dormir durant/après un bon traning, je ne me suis jamais senti weak ou malade. Pis je m'entraine avec un culturiste, donc on s'entraine pas mal fort.

Pas mal la même chose ici. J'aimerais voir le programme en question parce que ca n'est jamais passé proche d'avoir le début de l,ombre d'une envie de vomir au gym. Le pire que j'ai ressenti c'est que j'allais faire un mini black-out suite à un set de squat.

Manges tu avant ta séance??
generally eat a complexe carb meal 1-2 hours before gym
use to take NOexplode an hour before workout roughly (which helped)

ill post up the program the only thing i can think of is having too much Dairy in me....
its one or two particular straining workouts thatll do this to me

anyone ever try the baking powder scoop before hte gym?
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