New Duplex owner!


New member
Bought a new place, and I'm pretty stoked about it.

Small place, 800 sq ft in each unit, but it's well located in Rosemont.
10 mins walk from a subway, quiet street and family friendly neighborhood.
On the minus side, it's an older home, non grounded outlets and it's a bit of a fixer upper.
Def doesn't have the new condo feel.


So on to my numerous questions.

Any resources, forums I should subscribe to for renovations?
Tips on being a landlord?

Thanks again MR
Really no frills on the inside.
Renovations will come over the years.
Hoping some MR members will chime in and give some advice...



i think it's pretty decent actually.

What find of advices you need? There are a few knowledgeable people when it comes to renovations and owning revenue properties, hopefully they will join the conversation!
i think it's pretty decent actually.

What find of advices you need? There are a few knowledgeable people when it comes to renovations and owning revenue properties, hopefully they will join the conversation!

Hoping so too :)

I was looking more for forums where people are active and the discussions are relevant to issues with being a landlord in La bell province, and home renovation forums as well.
Maybe some contacts with foundation fixes, plumbers, electrician contacts.
fonctionne pas non plus pour moi!

Mais... félicitation, le conseil que je peux te donner est: tu ne sera jamais TROP patient pour te choisir un locataire. Prend ton temps, fait ton enquête et ne te laisse pas prendre par des beau parleur.

Pour les reno, en général, tu investie dans ce qui coute chere et tu cheap sur la finition ( plancher/armoire etc... ) apres plusieurs année ils vont être scrap de toute facons. Donc tu mets sa propre et tu le loue.

Meme si tu met une cuisine a 35000$ tu sera pas capable de louer ton loyer 100$/mois de plus
Grounding the house is a major job, ideally that's something you do before moving in.

Let me know if you have any questions regarding electricity.

Je met le mien a vendre d'ici la semaine prochaine moi (les papiers sont entrain de se faire et l'inscription et tout)