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  • Hey! I have sent you a mail! I added some pics of the car with the new mags on.... :) I need some stickers with 2Lo, can you ask Jesee if has 2 for me? I will try to come at the event at St-Eustache and I want to 'represent'!!!! :) Let me know!
    Hey man!!! Hows it going? Been awhile!! Took me awhile to track u down here! LOL anyways, do you remember the guy with the Orange hair that used to have the blue MK3 then i think he went to a red MK5? Need to get in touch with him for a lawyer contact he had. Not for me for a friend.
    Thanks a bunch man!
    salut Sergio!! j'ai installé le CAI en fin de semaine et bien que ca mait pris 2h (lol) ca en a vraiment vallu la peine le son est écoeurant!! alors merci beaucoup pour ta piece et pour ton temps :) take care buddy
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