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  1. AwayeKeven

    Based QT Eva Bartlett exposes the (media) lies about Syria. Bonus: Britcuck BTFO

    Press Conference at the UN. 9 December 2016, the Permanent Mission of the Syrian Arab Republic to the United Nations. Explanation of the situation in Syria and how the media is lying about it. Apparently Assad won 80-something% of the popular vote so the whole situation is a legitimate...
  2. AwayeKeven

    So what's the vercist on AMD Zen?

    AMD unveiled their new ZEN architecture. Is it the new Netburst killer? Watching, will comment later.
  3. AwayeKeven

    Bipartisan memes thread: Leftists welcome, Papi GTFO

    People wanna keep the main thread clean so let's have a separate thread for dank electoral maymays, from either sides. Possible NSFW and offensive. Papi went full Wojack so either GTFO this thread or put me on your ignore list. Go to Rebbit if you want to "le downboat XDXDXD" or virtue signal...
  4. AwayeKeven

    Fake car bombing - How YOU TOO can manufacture the news for fun & profit!

    Some arab dude posted a clip of a security vid on dailymotion..... So a car blows up, and actors run in, hit the deck and roll around pretending to be injured. I wonder if this type of thing has ever been done before live? (don't get me wrong, I don't actually care, but this is a pretty big...
  5. AwayeKeven

    Feminists are retards example #32527345828357#Razergate

    So razer comes in with some bantz about the new Macbook Pros. The response: Totally predictable (never buy logitech ever again) They try to keep it going making fun of this doritofag CUCKFACE IS A REAL THING CUCK BRIGADE enters the arena This post is by the Meth Whale Before...
  6. AwayeKeven

    New findings about ZIKA: Could sterilize men

    Fucking nightmare fuel. Friendly reminder: - Rockefeller-tied entity patented zika virus in 1974. - Samples could be bought for research purposes for about 500 bucks - Gates and Rockefeller legal entities heavily intertwined - Gates owns a biotech company in Brazil...
  7. AwayeKeven

    Julian Assange - Dead, extradited or about to drop major dox

    Media blackout for some reason (PURE COINCIDENCE™) but Julian Assange just tweeted three hash values. Several data dumps available but useless without encryption key and the above values don't correspond. So there is possibly a new data dump incoming (much more important since previously...
  8. AwayeKeven

    Waitress, 21, stabbed by "french national" - Aloha Snacker Confirmed

    Things to note: - NO PICTURES OF THE ASSAILANT - NO NAME OF THE ASSAILANT - The most retarded thing about this story is their insistence that it is a FRENCH NATIONAL You know, because in the SHITLIB operating system, reality works like this:
  9. AwayeKeven

    Cheapest place to buy Lithium battery?

    Looking to buy another lithium battery but the prices have gone up ridiculously in the past 5 or so years. Anyone have a place where they sell them at a decent price? I bought the last one on but that site no longer exists
  10. AwayeKeven

    Any CS:GO players here?

    Old-ass game but one of the few that still has a fun/non-sjw community. Anyone on MR wanna play together? Bonus is this game can probably run well on your microwave!
  11. AwayeKeven

    Hilary's Leak-Proof Pants

    Gentlemen, I present to you the very latest, absolute state of the art in fecal containment technology. Behold, the strategically tailored, mid-thigh-length undergarment, resembling a heavy-duty pair of rayon cyclist shorts, perhaps, that can clearly be noted beneath the powder-blue...
  12. AwayeKeven

    "We're babysitters for black people."

    Interesting article to say the least. We're babysitters for black people. That's what white American society has been reduced to. We exist to provide EBT cards, keep the roads paved, and the power on while apologizing for having higher IQs and a greater capacity to create successful...
  13. AwayeKeven

    Rio 2016: Thread des athletes féminines '' a suivre...''

    Oy vey not enough transpeople in this thread. Its 2016 stop the transmisogyny!!!!
  14. AwayeKeven

    Dealer Suzuki

    Looking for a good suzuki dealer. Want to buy a 2015 SV650. Thye have some in stock at Motofolie, I have heard very bad comments about them They have some in Granby at Picotte Motosport... Any comments? I'd buy used but I need to get financing
  15. AwayeKeven

    Favorite comedian, 2014/2015 edition

    We all know Louis Cuck King is done, dead and buried. So what are some of your favourite comedians in 2015? Best so far is Sam Hyde from MDE.
  16. AwayeKeven

    Why are women such degenerates? Papi wisdom requested

    And why do we put up with their shit? A few years ago I figured out how to lay game on whores and now its nothing special. Just a few minutes ago i got a text from some shoot i pumped and dumped while i was still in school in 2009, pics of her fingering herself and the best part? She's fucking...
  17. AwayeKeven

    Why haven't all pitbulls been gassed yet? NSFW/NSFL & Trish GTFO

    Let's assess this beautiful and peaceful dog. > Evil owner plays with his heavenly breed: >Grandma plays with her peaceful Pit Bull during Ice Bucket Challenge: >Pit Bull plays cute with a kitty. They...
  18. AwayeKeven

    Le hockey 450-style Coke whores! Rippers! Classy gentlemen! BONUS!!!!! Homoerotic intimidation!!!! Classic 450 stylez. 450 gonna 450
  19. AwayeKeven

    x gon' give it to ya

    Dat celltech
  20. AwayeKeven

    XBOX One non-game features?

    I know XB1 can do Netflix and now DLNA streaming. The question is, how well do they work and do they work without an Xbox live account?