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  1. B

    Check engine GTI

    Hey guys, I have a check engine and after hooking it up to the VAG it tells me faulty mass air flow. If I change the mass air will the check engine disappear automatically or will I have to get pay to get it replugged and turned off? Thanks, BTW it is a 2008 GTI
  2. B

    Valeur a neuf

    Hi  Can someone explain to me how this works. My girlfriend buys a 27k tax-in mazda 3 in 2008. She pays the car to about 21k when she scraps it. We had taken valeur a neuf with the dealer but not the 2010 model is worth 6k more and we need to pay it? I thought the goal was to get a new car for...
  3. B

    Grand exces de vitesse

    Bonjour tout le monde, Premièrement j'aimerais dire que j'ai le plus grand respect pour les policiers (la plus part en tout cas) et que c'est veritablement la première fois que je suis tellement stressé par rapport a un ticket. Comme vous le savez tous avec les nouvelles loi un grand excés de...