Search results

  1. x_bauer

    Looking for 215/55 r17 winter tires

    Hey looking for 2x 215/55 R17 winter tires asap! new or used! Salut je cherche 2x pneu 215/55 R17 d'hiver le plus vite possible! cell : 514-758-4951 Thanks / merci
  2. x_bauer

    Looking for a G35x 2006 heater blower fan

    i looking for a heater fan asap mine just broke!! Pm price and location please
  3. x_bauer

    Gentlemen! aware me of your winter work clothes

    Alright! here is the deal, I'm a Carpenter and i work all year round building houses! So I would like to buy some winter clothes in which I wont freeze my balls off this winter 1- obviously work clothes 2- they have to be warm 3- i have to be able to move nicely Please help!
  4. x_bauer

    want to sell g35x 2006

    Hey i'm looking to buy a pick up and i'm gona sell my car... but i have no clue what i would get for a g35x 2006 with 300k kms :/ I've been looking on lespac and stuff most g's like mine with 200k kms are going for 7000-8000$ so i should list mine at 3500? everythings is working fine on the car...
  5. x_bauer

    FS: 2 way speaker amp (clarion apx2181)

    I'm selling my clarion speaker amp! almost brand new! here is a link to specs: For more information on amp itself, and for pictures contact me on my cell: (514)-758-4951
  6. x_bauer

    wtb parts for g35x 2006

    Hey i was wondering where the best place would be to get oem infinity parts, at the best price! such as: brake pads (obviously dont need to be oem) window regulator sensors etc...
  7. x_bauer

    Post full length Sport movies/videos

    So, i was basically thinking about doing a thread just like ThePapi's, but of sport related videos! Blow my mind! also look up: the art of flight Post some!!
  8. x_bauer

    accident autoroute 30

  9. x_bauer

    i need feedback on g37x

    Hey!! i need some feedback on g37x (2011/2012) is there major problemes with the car,or things i should watch for?? thank you for info! Salut! jai besoin de feedback sur l'ifiniti g37x (2011/2012) y a t"il des problemes majeur avec l'auto, des choses a verifier?? merci pour l'info
  10. x_bauer

    Mazda/ford dealer!

    Heyy i was wondering does anyone here work in a mazda or ford dealer ??
  11. x_bauer

    D16y7 tranny

    Il y a un bruit qui vien de ma transmission... un grinchement! Le bruit est uniquement quand je suis sur le neutre, quand j'appuie sur la clutch il arrete. Je crois que c'est un bearing de transmission, qui semble etre un probleme qui revien beaucoup sur les D's. Est-ce que la meilleur solution...
  12. x_bauer

    Post your favorite topgear episode!

    I have been in need of a new season of topgear!!! So as a teaser i thought why not see everyone's favorite episode?! here is mine Post some!! i would like to watch them!! edit: full link
  13. x_bauer


    A la fin de mon dep j'envisage acheter un pick up used (100 000 km et moin) je regardais pour des ford rangers ou b3000.. avez vous des conseils, des meilleures idees?? merci
  14. x_bauer

    bassett wheels 4x100

    can any one find bassett wheels in 4x100 in 15 inch just like this: Salut je cherche des bassett wheel 4x100 dans le 15 pouces exactement comme sur l'image en haut
  15. x_bauer

    lf: civic or 1.6el

    hey i'm looking for either a civic or a 1.6el fs! please send links and pictures asap! Salut je cherche soit une civic ou un 1.6el a vendre! envoyer moi des photos et des liens svp! merci beaucoup / thank you very much
  16. x_bauer

    convince me shisha is awsome!

    Ive been seeing alot of people talking about shisha on the forum.. what is so awsome about it?? ive had some once and did really ''fall in love'' so tell me about it!!
  17. x_bauer

    home section?

    should we put a home renovation subforum in ot??
  18. x_bauer

    questions d16y8

    Salut! bon pour mettre tout le monde en contexte, je suis au etudes, je fais bcp de millage.. et jpensais a sa quand mon d16y7 est fini.. jpourrais rentrer un d16y8.. je sais deja que l'intake et l'ordi sont different mais est-ce qu'il y a dautre choses a savoir??.. jveux seulement mettre un d16...
  19. x_bauer

    close please double post

    close please! sorry i double posted :(
  20. x_bauer

    Spam this pouchon v3

    Salut tout le monde.. jai une amie qui se fait envoyer plein de photo de penis d'un gars qu'elle connais meme pas... jaimerais savoir si il y a une facon de bloquer les numeros de cellulaire encore? on a parler a bell et ils ont dit que sa ne se fesait plus... et la police dit qu'elle ne peut...