Search results

  1. .Fred

    Long range commuter

    Hey guys, it's been awhile (3 years since I've posted). I'm currently on the market for a new car thanks to a new job and this is where your general knowledge is required. My commute distance is going to implode to new records! We're talking around 60 to 70km ONE WAY, I spent a day at the...
  2. .Fred

    Coffee date downtown Mtl

    Any good spots ? Cool casual place.
  3. .Fred

    Moved to Québec city!

    Anyone knows a good barber shop that doesnt charge 25$ a haircut? Also aware me on the nice thing this village has to offer (restaurants, bars etc. No need to mention the chateau frontenac and the boardwalk thats been taken care of) Thanks MR.
  4. .Fred

    Pickup deal

    I've been shopping around the 2016 liquidations for a pickup (f150, ram, silverado etc.) but cant seem to find a good deal. It's like any internet build price I get are 4 grand wrong when I walk in a dealership. I'm not looking for incredible towing capacity, just a nice roomy cabin and room...
  5. .Fred

    So this just happenned.

    Me and my brother finished all the eggnog. It was good, I'm drunk, no regrets so far. Problem is I had bought it for his girlfriend. Grocery store is closed tomorrow, anyone knows where I can buy some more ? Thanks, merry christmas.
  6. .Fred

    Vendre mon bike à un Ontarien

    Bon histoire courte, je vend mon bike et un gars de Toronto la veut. Il veut m'envoyer son ami la chercher et me payer (cash c'est correct de ce côter il'a proposer virement banquaire aussis). Mon hic vient du fait qu'il veut que je lui fasse une procuration pour qu'il la plaque directement en...
  7. .Fred

    Messages priver

    @Camry90 Vide ta boite de mp elle est pleine!
  8. .Fred

    Chamois ? (the good ones)

    Alright, fathers day is coming up and as I was washing my bike today I noticed my dads Chamois is dying. Full of holes and stuff, looks like it had mad cow disease but, still works nicely. I bought him synthetic ones a few years back and they were terrible. Now, I'm clueless as to where I can...
  9. .Fred

    Summer activities

    With MR large and diverse user base, I think it would be nice to make a list of avtivities you guys like to do during the summer. Just list what you guys like to do during the summer that isnt too obvious (ie : going to the beach, enjoying the sun..). Remember to list : What Where Price range...
  10. .Fred

    Dos barrer

    Bon ca l'air je deviens vieux... Enleve mes pantouffles pour allez dans la douche, fait 1 pas sur la céramique froide et pow. J'ai le dos tout croche jammer dur, respirer me fait mal sacrament. Physio, chiro, osthéo? Des trucs pour éviter ca à part garder mes pantouffles et m'installer un...
  11. .Fred

    Coffee beans

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a new coffee bean place. The place I use to go quality has been going down and all the other coffee places are selling it for 55 - 70$ for 2 kilos. Where do you guys buy yours? Also include kind, price and your overall impression! Thanks.
  12. .Fred


    Its a bot late for jan 1st resolutions but reading @Domo last thread about his objectives gave me the idea for this thread. Goal here is to set a goal (be it your %bf, body weight, weight in an exercise, time for a marathon etc.) And keep us updated on how you are doing towards that objective...
  13. .Fred

    Need help finding an ugly shirt.

    hey MR, I need your help cause I want to look as annoying as possible for the coming holiday dinners. My in laws family are mostly stuck up snob people so, I came up with a plan to destabilize the enemy ranks. I'm growing the best moustache my weak facial hair can muster and I'd like to...
  14. .Fred

    Lost court date?

    Hey guys, recently moved again and I lost the letter saying when/where my court appeal will be. I know its next month but cant remember the date.. Is there anywhere I can call to get the info? Thanks alot
  15. .Fred


    Just want to say congratulation to my Buddy Renan @lonestar for his new sub-forum sponsorship and his new business. Before we became friends he's the one who answered ALL my annoying questions sent him via PM on this very forum, to advice me on motorcycle stuff (license gear and what not). If...
  16. .Fred

    Quel modele de BMW c'est?

    Modele, year, version je connais pas assez les bmw pour pouvoir dire exactement ce qu'elle est mais elle est sex. (imaginer la avec les couleurs des vieux M race car)
  17. .Fred

    To carry or not to carry?

    Inb4 : Sandro, Alain, Logik, Odman etc. 93 Year Old Kills “Knock-Out Game” Thug –
  18. .Fred

    Anyone know where to get these..

    Hey guys I'm looking for some good traction aids. All you can find nowadays in stores are these cheap plastic ones.. I'm looking for a store where I could get these : My dad has had a set for 20 years and they are still going strong! And...
  19. .Fred

    So 2013 F1 season is finally over.

    *Yawn* Anyone but me looking forward to all the major changes planned for next season?
  20. .Fred

    Grues Guay

    Salut, je me souviens il y a un an environ un membre a dit qu'il etait mecanicien pour eux. J'avais echanger quelques mp avec lui mais, ils ont ete deleter. Si le membre se reconnait ou s'il y en a un autre qui travailles la juste m'envoyer un message priver. C'est pour des infos/plug pour mon...