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  1. Dipin2988


  2. Dipin2988

    Vendu - sold!!!!!!!!!!!!

    vendu!!! Sold!!!
  3. Dipin2988

    A Vendre / For Sale: 2008 Honda Civic - Avec Seulement / With Only 30,000 KMS!!!!!!!

    - English to follow underneath.... Bonjour, Je vends une 2008 Honda Civic DX-A avec seulement 30,000 Kilomètres de ma mère. Elle a acheté cette voiture neuve en Mars, 12, 2008 et est le seul propriétaire et conducteur. Elle conduit seulement environ 5,000 kilomètres par an! Pratiquement...
  4. Dipin2988

    Where do I dispose junk Desk / Furniture?

    Hey MR, I need you help. This weekend, I need to get rid of an old office desk I have lying around in my apartment. Where can I dump this? Is there a junk-yard or a recycling plant where I can dump it? It looks almost like this: I don't want to pay to take it away (because I have a...
  5. Dipin2988

    VENDU!!!!!!!! 1996 Nissan Maxima SE 5-Vitesse Manuelle – VENDU!!!!!!!!

    - VENDU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! À Vendre: 1996 Nissan Maxima SE 5-Vitesse Manuelle Salut, Je vends ma Nissan Maxima SE (Edition Spécial) avec un Transmission rare : 5-Vitesse Manuelle. PRIX: 1,900$ NEGO Cette voiture fonctionne très bien et est dans un état...
  6. Dipin2988

    SOLD!!!!!!!!!!! 1996 Nissan Maxima SE 5-Speed Manual – SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you.
  7. Dipin2988

    VENDU / SOLD : 1997 Suzuki TL1000S – Montreal, QC

    VENDU / SOLD - Salut, Je vends ma Suzuki TL1000S 1997 PRIX: VENDU NEGO Cette moto fonctionne très bien et est dans un état incroyable. 45 ans, propriétaire d'origine (qui a acheté la TL tout nouveau en 1997), je suis que le 2ème propriétaire. Nous avons chacun toutes les factures et...
  8. Dipin2988

    Ride - Dimanche/Sunday 8 Avril - U.S.A

    Meet somewhere in Montreal/Laval/Rive-Sud, then head south towards Vermont or New-York State. Hit up IHOP or something that we do not have here to eat, then head back. Meet at a Julep, Carrefour Laval or Some Tim Hortons in the West-Island. Ride 2-3 hours south, take some back (curvy) roads...
  9. Dipin2988

    Assurance contre le vol pour / Theft Insurance for: GSX-R1000 ou / or ZX-10R

    - (English version will follow) Salut les gars, J'ai besoin d'aide de personnes qui ont: Moto: (05/06) GSX-R1000 ou (04/05) ZX-10R D'assurance pour: Feu, Vol, Vandalisme. Quelle compagnie d'assurance êtes-vous avec? Sur ces motos, le vol est le plus important. Je vais...
  10. Dipin2988

    Shisha, Beer & Hockey?

    Hey Guys, I want to watch the game tonight, but at the same time I want Shisha/Hookah. Where can I find all 3 of these things??? 1) A good shisha/hookah 2) A good beer (No: Coors Light or Labatt Blue, rather a good imported beer)... If not, at least some pitchers. 3) A good set of TVs for a...
  11. Dipin2988

    Apple iPhone 4 16GB $500 + Accessories/Cases VERY NEGO!!!!!!! SOLD / VENDU

    - Apple iPhone 4 16GB $500 + Accessories/Cases VERY NEGO!!!!!!! I have a 16GB iPhone 4 currently Jail-Broken and locked to Rogers. You may unlock it anytime using the proper jailbreak/unlock software to unlock the phone from the Rogers network if you’d like. If not, you may use it...
  12. Dipin2988

    Importing a VGA Bike to Quebec

    Hey guys I got a quick question; I am looking at importing a VGA 1000cc sport-bike from the states in order to save some money. (GSX-R1000 or ZX-10R 2003+) My question is, it’s incredibly hard to find a VGA Sport bike here so I’m looking for a Salvaged bike in the states, but before...
  13. Dipin2988

    Shisha Tabacco & Charcoal Question!

    - Hey MRers I got a quick question for you Shisha/Hookah lovers. I bought a new Shisha pipe in New York late December and at the same time I bought 2 rolls of charcoal and a small box of Apple flavoured tobacco. My friends and I have finished it all and now I need...
  14. Dipin2988

    Which one: GSXR1000 vs ZX10R?

    So this winter I’m thinking about buying another bike. Which one do you guys like and what are the cons to each… I know the pros, but I want to hear the cons. Here are the bikes 2005-2006 Suzuki GSX-R1000 Specifications Engine: 999cc Inline...
  15. Dipin2988

    sex for 10$

    i offer my body for 10$
  16. Dipin2988

    Me: Riding! You: ???

    Who wants to go out for a quick blast? Definitely the last ride of this season since there will be snow all this week and next weekend! Then Dec 15th is just around the corner. Call me up! Cell: 514-299-3211 I'm leaving in 15 mins! Starting: in the West-Island. Postal Code: H9X Where...
  17. Dipin2988

    I think I'm gonna move to the States!

    Who's still riding? I went for a ride last weekend, and sadly it feels like that would be one of the lasts... especially after the snowfall yesterday which reminds you, WINTER IS HERE! :( I'm tired of Montreal! As nice of place as it is to live in, it’s not Motorcyclist suited. • Paying...
  18. Dipin2988

    When is a Good Time of The Year to Buy Motorcycle Gear?

    My first season of riding is almost over, and Thank God, I never had to test out my Riding Gear. I didn't have much money when I initially bought my gear so I bought things that were on sale for cheap. Cheap Helmet (DOT & Snell Approved) Cheap Jacket (textile, with shitty ventilation) Cheap...
  19. Dipin2988

    Upcoming Motorcycle Manufacturer Events

    I found a list of events I thought I would share with you guys. If you are considering buying a new bike anytime in the future or just want to have some fun riding new and different bikes, here's a list for you. Each manufactures have events in order to boost product awareness, and here's a...
  20. Dipin2988

    Decisions, Decisions, Decisions......

    Alright so... After putting 2500kms in the last 3 weeks of riding, I'm tempted with a dilemma. I love the SV650S, in city its FUCKIN AMAZING, plenty of torque to move, but on the highway..... well lets say... I'm left wanting more. 1st: I'm a big guy, not some small 5'-8" 150lbs little...