News: 2 québécois sur Speedhunters


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Ça faisait un bon bout de temps que j'avais pas vu de visibilité de québécois sur le site.

Lien rapide sur le build de la Mini

Pour ceux qui en sauraient d'avantage sur le build de Frédéric Jean (EK), hésitez pas!


Pour ceux qui ne sont peut-être pas au courant, la Mini est à un membre MR, mon ami Mox.
La mini a Mox a juste pas de sens! Méchant bolide, bon j'admets être amateur de mini de ces années la!
Je trouve ça drôle que speedhunter spécifie Québec et non Canada ou Québec, Canada .. well!
Le civic de Fred est vraiment un accomplissement de fou. Il faut le voir pour le croire. Le soucis du détails est incroyable.
La mini à mox, c'est pas celle que le "projet" avait été abandonné?

J'ai commencé en Mars, je suis à quelques heures de travail sur l'auto pour démarrer le moteur et non c'est LOINS d'être abandonné ;-)
Hey Mox, nice to see a fellow Type R Mini build happening in Quebec, I finished my build 4 years ago, but sadly only drive my mini a couple of times a year. The car is fun to drive but good luck with the torque steer. I have been unable to find a way to get rid of it, which means I can't really put down all the HP I have under the hood. Its been I long time I haven't updated my post on 16vmini but here is my build story.

16vMini build

Dyno video

Ping me if you have any questions
Hey Mox, nice to see a fellow Type R Mini build happening in Quebec, I finished my build 4 years ago, but sadly only drive my mini a couple of times a year. The car is fun to drive but good luck with the torque steer. I have been unable to find a way to get rid of it, which means I can't really put down all the HP I have under the hood. Its been I long time I haven't updated my post on 16vmini but here is my build story.

16vMini build

Dyno video

Ping me if you have any questions

I'm about to be done with the project, I'm still waiting for some parts (brakes!!) before putting the car down on its wheels.

I'm a bit nervous too about the torque steer, at Minitec they told me the Type-R LSD transmission is not a good choice even if I replaced the final drive to a 4.0
There is a good probability that next summer I will put my hand on a LS transmission and put a 3.4 final drive with a phantom grip (suggestion from Minitec)
We'll see.. I had this transmission with the engine, I consider it a test.. I'm also using the honda clutch master to try it before ordering the 300$ AP Racing clutch master that would make the clutch perfect.
I'm about to be done with the project, I'm still waiting for some parts (brakes!!) before putting the car down on its wheels.

I'm a bit nervous too about the torque steer, at Minitec they told me the Type-R LSD transmission is not a good choice even if I replaced the final drive to a 4.0
There is a good probability that next summer I will put my hand on a LS transmission and put a 3.4 final drive with a phantom grip (suggestion from Minitec)
We'll see.. I had this transmission with the engine, I consider it a test.. I'm also using the honda clutch master to try it before ordering the 300$ AP Racing clutch master that would make the clutch perfect.

Hey mox, I did exactly what MiniTec said, I changed the final drive with 3.47 Houseman in a LS transmission, with a Quaife ATB Helical LSD, for sure it helped but not enough for me to really put down half the power I have, if ever you want to see it in action ping me and we can go for a drive and you will see and feel what happens when I pin the car.
Hey mox, I did exactly what MiniTec said, I changed the final drive with 3.47 Houseman in a LS transmission, with a Quaife ATB Helical LSD, for sure it helped but not enough for me to really put down half the power I have, if ever you want to see it in action ping me and we can go for a drive and you will see and feel what happens when I pin the car.

I'd love to see your Mini in action!

Can the LSD be responsible for the torquesteer with the LS Transmission?
Mox, dans mon expérience avec un diff Quaife, donc type helical comme le oem de type R, ça enlève du torque steer.