Crank bolt was a biatch to remove.... :yikes:
Drilling the crank .
Hole ready to receive the lock pin.
Pin is in.
Steering rack back in with all related parts.
Cooler in place.
Water pump in.
Horn has been relocated.
Coolant reservoir.
Bottom view of the Eaton.
Since I'm by myself I had to use my engine hoist to lift the S/Charger to dropped it in place.
Now guess what....I'm missing the intake tube. It was not in the kit.....I'm very disappointed....
I've called Edelbrock on the 800 line and the message was : We have too many calls , please try again later so I call the regular line ( at my expense ) and 21 minutes later someone talked to me.
Looks like they will "Overnight" the tube Tuesday so I should have it Wednesday.
Unable to wait to start the car 2 days I decided to axe saw the factory air intake tube to be able to do a start up test with the MAF connected.
Car runs and idle perfectly , I let the car idle until the fan starts.
No leaks anywhere so when the tube comes in I'll finalized the install.
Full view with the kit installed minus the air filter view.
Tomorrow I'll install the exhaust line and if I'm lucky enough to find a intake tube I can borrow I'll go to the dyno. *tu*