2010 C6 Corvette LS3 Project : Edelbrock E-Force Stage I Supercharger + Exhaust .

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If the owner thinks he might want even more power later, then the decision is simple to add the extra pump. If he will never want more power, than either way will do.
Its too bad I just sold my ECS system. It was hardly used.

So we can add a 2nd pump in the right side tank ?

Can I put his stock pump + the new Z06 how do I synchronize them ?
I don't know much about Corvette fuel system to be honest but looks like you can guide me on this.
So we can add a 2nd pump in the right side tank ?

Can I put his stock pump + the new Z06 how do I synchronize them ?
I don't know much about Corvette fuel system to be honest but looks like you can guide me on this.

I can try my best. I have been through it all with corvettes and pretty well know them inside out...........There is no pump in the passenger side tank and none goes there. You can not put his pump with another. You have to either replace it with something better, or do an add on system.

For starters, lets assume that the pump in the car is not the Z06 model because if it was and the BAP and pump were working properly you would have plenty of fuel for that setup. So assuming you need more "pump" the choices are really as follows........

1. Change out the pump for a new Z06 pump. That with the BAP will be plenty of fuel if the client doesn't want to go for a lot more power later. The downside to this is that it is only good to about 700-750 rwhp, and you have to drop the drivers side tank.

2. You can change out the stock pump for a good dual in tank setup. This will be good for more power but still means dropping the tank. The best of these setups is the one from Fore Innovations. It is fairly expensive.

3. You can add an external pump that will come on at 3lbs of boost. When not in boost the car will use what it has now. The best and easiest install of these is the ECS stage 1 system from East Coast Supercharging. Again, it is not cheap, but saves many many hours of labor by not dropping the tank. The stage 1 system is good to about 800-850 rwhp and is expandable if needed.
This system basically connects into the stock fuel lines. the only thing you have to run is some wires and install a hobbs switch, very similar to the BAP install. You also have to cut a hole in the tank. I have installed this myself in my car and it is very simple. I will post some pictures. The kit comes complete and uses a Bosch 044 pump.

Dropping the tank..... I have done it and it is a pain. If the car is an automatic you really have to drop the transmission. Some say you can do it without, but it is extremely tight and I don't see how. With a manual there is much more room to work. The main problem is that you have to disconnect the crossover pipe between the 2 tanks. It is a bit complicated and you are basically working by feel since it is so tight up there. I know many guys who have done it and had to go back and redo things because it didn't work properly.
Here is a how too in case you decide to go that route......he makes it seem easier than it is... because he has done it many times.....http://www.corvetteforum.com/forums/c6-tech-performance/2727302-how-to-replace-a-fuel-pump.html

Here is some pics of the ECS kit install......

First you make a whole in the tank. Not as big a deal as it looks. The instructions are dead on.

You install the bulkhead and lines...

The pump goes right beside where the BAP is...

Complete kit as its shipped...

I can tell you that if it was me doing the work, I would go the ECS route. I never want to deal with those tanks again. LOL..

Then again, if you are the type that likes a challenge, it isn't rocket science. I am sure you will get it done and probably say I made it sound much worse than it is.

If you have any questions feel free. I love talking vettes.
Any updates on this ?

Updates yes & no .

I bought today the ECS stage 1 system from East Coast Supercharging & right after 6.00 pm today the owner call me letting me know the car died while idleing at a stop sign.

Don't know yet what it is .

I'll wait to get the kit from ECS and I'll dig into it. :dunno:
Updates yes & no .

I bought today the ECS stage 1 system from East Coast Supercharging & right after 6.00 pm today the owner call me letting me know the car died while idleing at a stop sign.

Don't know yet what it is .

I'll wait to get the kit from ECS and I'll dig into it. :dunno:

Well that sucks..... maybe be a good idea to check fuel pressure and make sure the original pump isn't dying, although that is pretty rare. As I mentioned before that racetronix harness to take power straight from the alternator for the BAP, is a good idea too. Good luck and let us know what you find out.
June 29th 2015.
Finally got a chance to look at the car and the 20amp fuse for the fuel pump quit so I have ordered a Racetronic fuel pump harness and a intermadiat fuel pump harness so this should solve the fuse issue .
I also received the ECS Stage I fuel system so sometime next week I'll start working on this.

I have a very busy summer , days are short , very short.

Here's the little guy who send my friend home on a towing.

June 29th 2015.
Finally got a chance to look at the car and the 20amp fuse for the fuel pump quit so I have ordered a Racetronic fuel pump harness and a intermadiat fuel pump harness so this should solve the fuse issue .
I also received the ECS Stage I fuel system so sometime next week I'll start working on this.

I have a very busy summer , days are short , very short.

Glad it was just the fuse. It should have been a 30 or 40 amp there. As for the harness, it's a great idea and I won't say I told you so. LOL.

Don't forget to order the PBIC option with the harness. That is the connector you need to connect the BAP into it.
July 16th 2015.
Car is back up and running.
2nd fuel pump setup is working perfectly.
I'll update the thread later this week.
Car is freaking awesome.

I need to upload the dyno sheet showing the result with the 2nd pump set up.
I'll do that later on this week or tonight if I have time .

Ended-up with 520.6 RWHP & 528.1 Ft-Lbs of torque.


Redline is taking the project over so I'm locking the thread.

Rod has more knowledge then me to go from here.
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